Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 13

According to Ozimek, the technology was offered on the Winglets provide significant fuel burn savings to 767 twinjet following FAA certification last year. “Previously the problem with carbon brakes was that they were expensive. Compared to steel, carbon offered 7% a lot of value from the standpoint of weight, some 700 pounds on a 737-700. But if you considered the number of 6% landings that you cold get from each, the heavier weight 5% steel brakes were less expensive. Now, carbon has gotten reasonably durable in terms of landing numbers, and its 4% costs have come way down. Now the equation comes out in Savings § 3% § favor of carbon brakes.” § The idea of pioneering technology advances on one 2% § § model line and retrofitting them to another is working to 1% the favor of the wide bodied fleet as well. Winglets first fit0% ted to Boeing 737s and 757s are now being offered for the 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 company’s 767-300ER. In fact, American Airlines recently began revenue operation of its first 767 equipped with winglets developed by Aviation Partners Boeing (APB), a joint retrofit, for example, it may come down to the marketing departventure between the airframe builder and the Seattle-based winment’s desire to offer an improved passenger experience. For glet provider. more tangible performance-based improvements, Ozimek says the The winglets – each one stretches some 11 feet – are the largest answers are in the numbers. structural components ever retrofitted to a commercial airplane wing, “For aerodynamic, weight or specific fuel-consumption and they radically change the 767’s appearance and performance. improvements, like those for engines, you’re able to calculate APB officials say a high-utilization aircraft like the 767-300ER these in terms of dollars, and these definitely result in a residual is expected to achieve up to a six percent fuel savings (see chart) value improvement. Appraisers across the board tend to make a thanks to their patented blended winglet design. American estidistinction between, say a wingletted and non-wingletted 737 or mates this equates to about a half-million gallons of fuel for each 757, and those values are manifested in the valuation books.” winglet-equipped plane. On top of this, the airline expects to reduce Does an improved airplane automatically mean a ticket for its CO2 emissions fleet wide up to 277,000 metric tons per year, higher lease rates? Conversely, does a non-improved one relwhile extending the range of each plane by as much as 360 nautical egate it to a lessor’s back row? Ozimek explained the current miles and providing some 12,000 pounds of additional payload. thinking of lessors like BCC. How does an airline decide when it makes sense to look to “Improvements don’t necessarily devalue airplanes without create value, including for the longer term, from retrofitting new them, but they do add more value to airplanes that have them. It improvements to older aircraft? In the case of a new interior doesn’t mean the improved plane will always be the choice of the “… in order for the product to remain viable in the marketplace, we’re lessor or operator. That depends on the lease rate. If the lessor going to have to do things to the current airplane to update it for decides to extract all the value for the improvement in the lease today’s market demands.” – Joe Ozimek, Boeing Capital’s managing rate, then both airplanes are real capital alternatives to each director of airplane programs and valuations. other. You have to be able to share that improvement with the end user, and the end user has to be able to see that value. A lot of times, a wingletted airplane will rent for more than one without them, and people are able to make the equation balance.” In the 737’s case, the improvement list also considers the cockpit where, among other advances, Boeing has led the way in integrating Required Navigation Performance (RNP) precision approach technology to keep the NG current with today’s airline operating environment. For the 767, the manufacturer is also offering an enhanced retrofittable interior that Ozimek says makes a “like-new airplane” impression on passengers. Regardless of whenever replacement products arrive, Ozimek said the need to create customer value requires the manufacturers keep its products effective. “You can’t afford to expect that the marketplace will stand still waiting for a new product in 10 or 12 years,” he added. “You have to keep it fresh.“ Thanks to Boeing for supplying editorial content for this article. Jetrader 13

Jetrader - July/August 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jetrader - July/August 2009

Jetrader - July/August 2009
A Message from the President
Q+A: John Leahy
Creating Value Through Airplane Improvements
Flying High
Old Meets New
Aircraft Appraisals
From the ISTAT Foundation
Aviation History
Advertising Indices
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Jetrader - July/August 2009
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Cover2
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - A Message from the President
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 4
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Contents
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 6
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Calendar/News
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Q+A: John Leahy
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 9
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 10
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 11
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Creating Value Through Airplane Improvements
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 13
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Flying High
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Old Meets New
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Aircraft Appraisals
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 17
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 18
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - From the ISTAT Foundation
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Aviation History
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - 21
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Advertising Indices
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Cover3
Jetrader - July/August 2009 - Cover4