Exhibitor AFRA meets with potential customers during the coffee break. Airline Fleet Planners Panel moderated by ISTAT Director and Conference Committee Member David Swan, Chief Operating Officer of RBS Aviation Capital and featured (l-r) Vasu Raja, Managing Director - Corporate Planning from American Airlines; Dr. Karl Echtermeyer, Head of Fleet Strategy & Aircraft Evaluation at Lufthansa Group; and Alexander Grant, Manager Fleet Planning & Evaluation Strategy & Business Units at British Airways. One of the exhibiting companies, Airclaims, speaks with conference attendee during the break between sessions. Exhibitors Neil Cloughley and Charlotte Farthing of TES Aviation Group. Chateauroux France Air Center, one of the exhibiting companies at ISTAT Europe 2011. Evening Reception: ISTAT Europe 2011 attendees enjoy the evening wine and cheese tasting reception at the Hotel Arts Barcelona Terrace sponsored by Jackson Square Aviation. Jetrader 15http://www.naylornetwork.com/ist-nxt/