HEALTH & OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY | Healthy Cruising 2018 NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE HOLDINGS STEWARDSHIP REPORT HEALTHY CRUISING Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings takes great effort to maintain a safe and clean environment and to have stringent protocols in place for cleaning and sanitation on all our ships. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sanitation inspection reports over the last 10 years, we are one of the most hygienic cruise lines. Our company works closely with the CDC's Vessel Sanitation Program. Many of our officers attend the United States Public Health Seminar, which is conducted several times during the year. Through discussions and training, participants receive a fresh perspective and new insight into what to look for when conducting public health inspections. We collect health questionnaires at the pier to identify any guests who already have symptoms of certain illnesses. Detailed health information fact sheets are placed in each stateroom to identify potential symptoms of concern and instruct guests on what to do if they experience those symptoms. Guests are also encouraged to wash their hands regularly and use the hand sanitizer dispensers placed throughout the ship. OUTBREAK PREVENTION AND RESPONSE Our Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP) is designed to mitigate and prevent the spread of communicable diseases such as norovirus and influenza. We continually seek the most advanced technologies, which are based on sound scientific methods and applications, to enhance our OPRP program. Our crew members are highly trained in this program, and we are continually updating our staff on the latest company innovations and methods. 24