Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 16

Guyana Snapshot
Guyana by Numbers

Temperatures range from 23°C to 31°C (73°F to 87°F),


1,200,000 (2012 census)

Literacy rate:


Unemployment rate:


Independence from Great Britain:

Year-over-year growth rate: 4.8%+



3.1% (2012)

Median age:

24.5 years

Total size:

214,969 square kilometers

Land mass:

196,849 square kilometers

Fresh water:

18,120 square kilometers

Ocean coastline:

459 kilometers

outside hurricane zones

Democratic republic

Language spoken:

Fiber with VPN redundancy

11.6 homicides per 100,000
(lower than many major US cities)

Time to register a business:
Two working days

Time to incorporate:
Five to ten working days (requires attorney)

Guyana: Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success



Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success

Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - Cover1
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 2
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 3
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 4
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 5
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 6
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 7
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 8
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 9
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 10
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 11
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 12
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 13
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 14
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 15
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - 16
Guyana - Well Positioned for Future Growth and Success - Cover4