Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012 - 13
BPO Jamaica
The Exchange Control Act - The Government of Jamaica has no restrictions on the movement of foreign currencies flowing either in or out of Jamaica. This Act facilitates the free movement of capital to other countries, whether for investment or repatriation purposes. Jamaica Export Free Zone Act - Exemption from income tax on profits in perpetuity, as well as import duties and licensing; Repatriation of foreign exchange by overseas investors to parent company without any form of recourse on the part of the Government.
Experience the Future of Caribbean Outsourcing
“The roads, sewerage, telecoms, drainage, are in. There is a shortage of o ce space in Montego Bay so we are building to suit class-A o ce space. VistaPrint is currently finishing their new customer support center which will be the first building in the tech park. Construction of facilities involves 9-12 months but we are speaking with the government to build up-front so we can have inventory available waiting for clients.” - Mark Kerr Jarrett
A-class Offices Made To Order
A Sneak Peek at Barnett Tech Park Montego Bay Barnett Tech Park
Mark Kerr Jarrett
Managing Director Barnett Tech Park Page 13
Watch an interview with Mark on Jamaica’s value proposition.
Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012
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Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012 - 2
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