Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012 - 3

BPO Jamaica

Experience the Future of Caribbean Outsourcing

Destination: Bpo BPO Jamaica
Combining proximity, scalability, and a deep-rooted tradition in hospitality, Jamaica has developed a competitive niche in the global services sector. With 2.71 million English-speaking inhabitants, Jamaica has attracted the world’s largest outsourcers including ACS/Xerox, Teleperformance, and most recently Convergys. But, local industry veterans stress that this tale of two cities has just begun to unfold. With the support of a recently elected and proactive government, the BPO market in Kingston and Montego Bay has the potential to double in the next Kingston Montego Bay: five years. &Both Gartner and A.T. Kearney also recognize A Tale of Two Strategic Cities Jamaica as a market to watch in 2012. Today’s Jamaica is a highly competitive and attractive Set in the Caribbean’s Greater Antilles just south of Cuba, business environment. The current BPO landscape emJamaica is a 90-minute flight from the Miami International ploys over 13,000 full-time agents in customer service, airport. Both Kingston and Montego Bay, the two largest finance & accounting, human resources, design, receivapopulation centers, service direct flights to major US destibles management, help desk support, outbound sales and nations including New York, Miami, and Atlanta. “I can be lead generation. In addition to third-party service providback on track and in my o ce on the same business day; ers, global enterprises are successfully scaling their backwhen I travel to our India locations it takes me a week to o ce operations here. recover”, explained Tim Casey of Teleperformance.

Divided by mountainous and Scotia there are also Companies like Vista Print countryside, Bank have been frequent commuter flights between Kingston and Monpushing Jamaica beyond single function customer support tego Bay, activities for years, and now include more and sales as well as the northern coastal highway which has become operations in design and between sophisticated a major commuter route banking. the two cities. Human capital is a major strength of Jamaica’s overall Since proposition. Aside from the among Canada, value the early 80s Jamaica has beenU.S. and the most popular has the destinations in the Caribbean, attracting Jamaica tourism largest English speaking population in the over 1.5 million tourists every year. Known for ideal Western Hemisphere. “Our agents are ready to engage weather, white sand beaches, musical legendry, and nclients with a hospitable ‘street-savvy’ approach and a the warmth of culture that we don’t find anywhere else”, ity to U.S. its people, Jamaica’s economy has developed around the courtesy and customer service found in its explained Kevin Lightfoot of ACS Xerox. Forged out of a many hotels and resorts. When it comes has been eager tradition in tourism, Jamaica’s workforce to BPO, tourism is find new career opportunities in for employees, put this tothe industry’s largest competitor BPO, helping tobut also her symbiotic partner. As the outsourcing industry grows, Caribbean nation’s economy on a brighter path to sustainthe growth. And while Montego Bay still leaves much to able local workforce is finding new career opportunities working with one of thirty BPO operators currently prebe desired as a low-cost contact center destination, infrasent in the country. structure improvements are rapidly opening opportunities for BPO operators in Kingston, the economic and intellecWith whitewashed hotels and resorts, Montego Bay contual heart of Jamaica. tinues to attract the tourists and houses approximately 70 percent of Jamaica’s BPO employees. It has been the destination of choice for BPO operators because of its tropical appeal and solid infrastructure needed to support its vibrant tourism industry. Likewise, operators have a rich pool of talent to choose from and can recruit employees already trained in customer service.

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Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012

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