Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012 - 7
BPO Jamaica
Experience the Future of Caribbean Outsourcing
Weighing Opportunities & Challenges
As in every destination operational challenges exist, however, in the case of Jamaica there is significant room for growth and a lot of untapped potential. A shortage of premium o ce space, particularly in Kingston, has spurred the development of new business parks and free trade zones. Telecoms costs in Jamaica are high relative to other markets, but new ICT entrants have recently driven costs down. In 2010 the Jamaican senate also passed the Cyber Crime Act in a proactive move to enforce stricter protections for the country’s growing financial services sector. Overall, Jamaica is a tested and proven labor market with “ample capacity to more than double the number of employees over the next five to seven years”, according to Mark Jones a U.S. Investor instrumental in funding Global Gateway Solutions, a 500-seat contact center in Montego Bay.
Adam Richardson Harvard Business Review contributor and VP of Strategy for design firm Frog defines customer experience (CX) as “the sum-totality of how customers engage with your company and brand, not just in a snapshot in time, but throughout the entire arc of being a customer.” But in the world of CRM outsourcing, clients are typically caught between two di cult realities: They must either pay premium wages for locally-based agents or o shore their valuable client relationship building time to markets out of touch with local consumers. For customer support to the United States, Jamaica o ers a viable solution: The labor market is competitive with average wage costs 30 to 40 percent lower than in the U.S. Jamaicans also embrace mainstream western culture which, in today’s competitive landscape, can mean the di erence between a satisfied and disgruntled customer. Newly recruited agents are often phone ready requiring very little if any cultural training. The Jamaican English accent also adds great value to the overall customer experience. “There is an automatic customer connection once clients hear the Jamaican accent”, explained Roger Williams General Manager of Vista Print support center in Montego Bay. Americans grow up listening to Jamaican music and regularly experience the Caribbean accent whether on vacation or on television. Jamaicans have also proved to be competitive and dedicated sales people.
It’s all about “Customer Experience”
Experts in the field of client relationship management (CRM) now recognize the pivotal role that voice interaction plays in strengthening customer brand loyalty for a product or service.
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Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Nearshore Americas Presents: Jamaica BPO 2012
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