discover... Minimax 725 psi high preSSUre CLeAN AgeNt SySteMS Closet. Basement. Mechanical room. All are better locations for clean agent tanks, compared to valuable floor space within a data center. With the exclusive 725 psi systems from Minimax, longer piping networks often allow for tanks to be moved further from the protected area. And, by using the revolutionary Multi-Zone technology from Minimax, several enclosures can be protected from a single agent supply. We invite you to DISCOVER how Minimax 725 psi clean agent systems can provide better solutions for your customers. Design and Cost Advantages * 725 psi and Multi-Zone clean agent delivery systems often provide greater design flexibility and more cost effective solutions. * 725 psi available on MX-1230 and MX-200 halocarbon clean agent systems, Multi-Zone on MX-1230. * Cost effective and environmentally safe replacement of Halon systems. * 45-100% higher pressure capabilities than competitive systems for maximum design flexibility. * By enabling longer piping networks, supply tanks can be moved outside the protected area, freeing up valuable IT floor space. * Utilizes same piping as standard 360 psi systems. * No additional Nitrogen tanks are required. * Selector valves provide capability of protecting multiple IT rooms using a shared agent supply. * cULus Listed and FM Approved. visit us At Booth 853 DURINg ThE 2017 NFPA EXPO! MINIMAX FIRE PRODUCTS SALeS@MiNiMAXFp.COM VISIT WWW.MINIMAXFP.COM OR CAll 888.882.0191 TO lEARN MORE.http://WWW.MINIMAXFP.COM http://WWW.MINIMAXFP.COM