LONDON CALLING Worldwide Problem Combustible exterior wall assemblies are found around the world. As fires involving those assemblies occur, safety officials seek out buildings that utilize similar materials. 1 2 3 4 MARRIOTT WATERFRONT HOTEL Baltimore, Maryland According to published reports, the 32-story hotel may have been built with the same combustible exterior panels as the Grenfell Tower in London. 1 ADDRESS DOWNTOWN DUBAI HOTEL, Dubai, UAE A fire on New Year's Eve 2015 heavily damaged the 63-story hotel, with flames rapidly ascending the building's exterior wall assembly. 4 2 40 | NFPA JOURNAL * S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7 APARTMENT BUILDING Shanghai, China An exterior wall assembly was blamed in published reports as contributing to a 2010 apartment fire that killed at least 58. 3 LACROSSE BUILDING Melbourne, Australia A fast-moving fire in 2014 caused millons of dollars in damage to an apartment building.