THERE'S A NEW WAY TO DO THE JOB. THERE'S A NEW TOOL TO DO IT WITH. GET THE 2017 NEC® TOOLKIT BUNDLE AND SAVE. This year, 23 new states are adopting the 2017 edition of NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code® (NEC). Make sure you're compliant with the latest changes to the code. And for a limited time, purchase the NEC Toolkit Bundle and save. Your Toolkit Bundle includes: * 2017 NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC®), Softbound: Hundreds of changes in the 2017 edition NEC bring you up-to-code and ready to address emerging technologies. * 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC®) Tabs: Keep access to the most important info at your fingertips with the NFPA best-selling NEC Tabs for the 2017 edition of the NEC. * 2017 NEC Reference Cards: NEC Reference Cards provide fast and easy access to the most essential NEC tables for electrical contractors and installers. * Ugly's Electrical References, 2017 Edition: Ugly's™ Electrical References is the on-the-job reference for electrical facts and safety data, updated for the 2017 NEC. * NEC Abbreviations of Terms Cheat Sheet: A quick and easy reference to all the abbreviated terms and abbreviations of cable types used in the NEC. $ 129.00 $ 156.00 Order today at To redeem offer, use code SET267. Valid thru 12/31/17. 1-800-344-3555, 8:30am-5pm ET.