NFPA JOURNAL In Compliance Columns page / 26 | Outreach 46 NFPA 101 New language on interior and exterior furnishings proposed for NFPA 101. By Kristin Bigda NFPA 13 Sprinkler protection for various ceiling types explained. By Brian O'Connor NFPA 72 Cybersecurity considerations for fire alarms and mass notification systems. By Wayne Moore NFPA 70+70E Evaluating a request for energized work-what you need to know. By Derek Vigstol Xchange A sampling of the codes-andstandards conversations happening in the NFPA online community. Firewatch 74 page / JOURNAL ONLINE This is CRR Watch a video on how responders can use an NFPA standard to protect themselves from infection on the job. How the COVID-19 pandemic is a study of community risk reduction in action. By Lorraine Carli 28 | Research The Full Picture Understanding fire's environmental impacts has never been a research priority. That is quickly changing. By Birgitte Messerschmidt Listen to five NFPA Journal Podcast episodes from March and April on the coronavirus pandemic and how it has affected responders, hospitals, and communities. 58 | First Responder Protect Yourself First During times of crisis, a responder's biggest priortiy is to stay healthy. Make sure you have a plan. By John Montes Read the recent NFPA report on home structure fires. 60 | Wildfire The Andrew Effect Florida's comprehensive response to the 1992 hurricane can teach us a lot about how to confront wildfire. By Michele Steinberg Read articles by ProPublica on the homebuilding industry's war on home fire sprinklers. Read the 2014 Fire Protection Research Foundation report on combustible exterior wall assemblies. 88| Treasurer's Report for 2019 104| Looking Back A serene summer day turned into a nightmare on June 15, 1922, when a conflagration tore through a beach resort area in Queens. By Caitlin Walker Read the International Fire Safety Standard Coalition's list of global fire safety principles. See materials from Oregon's Bigfoot: Believe in Fire Safety campaign. A collection of fire incidents in an assortment of occupancies from across the United States, compiled by NFPA's Research group. Read the complete NFPA Journal online at NFPA.ORG/JOURNALAPPS Read NFPA Journal on your favorite device with apps for Apple iOS and Android. These easy-to-navigate apps let you read the complete NFPA Journal anywhere, anytime. View videos, link to editorial and advertiser websites, and share articles with colleagues. And they're free. NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL MAY/JUNE 2020 NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL MAY/JUNE 2020 LEARNING FROM COVID What the pandemic is teaching us about large-scale emergency response NFPA.ORG/JOURNAL Read and share all NFPA Journal articles for free. LEARNING FROM COVID What the pandemic is teaching us about large-scale emergency response Cover_05.20 V4 (DCS).indd 2 Cover_05.20 V4 (DCS).indd 2 5/4/20 12:07 PM 5/4/20 12:07 PM CONTACT US Story ideas Change of address Tinisha Cosme at Advertising NFPA membership Visit N F PA . O R G / J O U R N A L * NFPA JOURNAL TOC May June 2020 packaged folder_05.04.20(B).indd 5 |5 5/4/20 1:45 PM