Contents FALL 2021 * Vol. 115 | No. 3 Features Dispatches page / page / 26 Cover Story: Emerging Issues Prepared for Takeoff As the flying taxi industry gets ready to take the world by storm-yes, you read that right- NFPA is working to plug gaps in fire safety guidance. By Angelo Verzoni 38 | Special Report: Emerging Issues Energy Storage Systems & the Fire Service Detailed reports on a 2019 explosion at an energy storage facility in Arizona illustrate the hazards posed to firefighters by this rapidly proliferating technology. By Jesse Roman 54 | NFPA Research Story in Progress A new NFPA report draws on nearly 40 years of data to describe what we've accomplished in fire protection-and how far we still have to go. By Scott Sutherland 64 | Book Excerpt: Historic Fires A 'Splendid and Terrible Sight' A new book recounts the Great Boston Fire of 1872 and contains descriptions that may sound familiar to those who lived through recent wildfire events. By Stephanie Schorow 80 | Codes + Standards: Emerging Issues Structural Firefighting The new NFPA 1700 brings decades of research to the gritty reality of the fireground. The result could help save property and the lives of firefighters. By Joseph Jardin and Daniel Madrzykowski 4 | NFPA JOURNAL * FALL 2021 10 Miami Collapse Should untrained citizen boards oversee the maintenance of high-rise condo buildings? By Angelo Verzoni Briefs Air replenishment tanks, lessons of the Illinois chemical blaze, and more. 13 Ecosystem A new web tool, plus the latest incidents through the lens of the NFPA Fire & Life Safety Ecosystem™ . 14 International BBC journalist reflects on covering the Grenfell Tower Inquiry; cargo ship blaze tests responders in Sri Lanka. 16 Wideshot Deadly Bangladesh factory fire continues a troubling trend. 18 Chirps & Beeps 'Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety' this October during Fire Prevention Week. 20 Flying Smart NFPA launches free training for public safety drone programs. 22 Perspectives page / 60 The Danger of Groups A recent crowd-crush incident in Israel shows how live events can trigger a dangerous sense of collective invulnerability among participants. Could new crowd-managment provisions in the Life Safety Code® prevent these tragedies? By Steven A. Adelman 6 | First Word By Jim Pauley 8 | Editor's Note By Scott Sutherland COVER, VOLOCOPTER; TOP, LILIUM