NFPA.ORG/MILESTONE Learn more about the NFPA 125th Anniversary Conference Series. Explore NFPA's history and the evolution of safety. As NFPA marks its 125th year, it faces an unprecedented array of global challenges, from the rise of cybersecurity threats to attacks on the standards development process itself. To address those challenges, it can start by looking at its own remarkable history, one characterized by creativity, innovation, and an enduring commitment to safety. BY S T E PH A N I E S C H O R OW 34 | NFPA JOURNAL * S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 125th Anniversary_Summer 2021 DCS to ADA as R1.indd 34 4/30/21 5:03 PMhttp://www.NFPA.ORG/MILESTONE http://www.NFPA.ORG/MILESTONE