Firewatch Vehicle flame impingement on a compressed natural gas tank on the top of the truck. Crews remained on the scene for CALIFORNIA Fire crews respond to trash truck blaze Firefighters responded to a fire in a large trash truck shortly before 10:30 a.m. following multiple calls to 911. First-arriving units reported light smoke coming from the trash containment area of a large trash truck. After relocating the truck to minimize the threat to life and property, crews initiated an aggressive fire attack with multiple hose lines due to the threat of approximately two hours to complete operations, according to a fire department press release. Two civilians reported injuries that were treated at the scene. Investigators were unable to determine the cause of the fire, but contents of the trash truck were found to contribute to flame spread. Property loss from the fire was limited to the rear of the truck. WISCONSIN Parking-lot burnouts result in vehicle fire Firefighters responded to a report of vehicle fires in a hotel parking lot at 10:20 p.m. Arriving units reported that one vehicle was fully engulfed in flames and that fire had spread to a second vehicle. Firefighters pulled a line and knocked down both fires. According to a press release issued by the fire department, the driver of the first vehicle reported doing " burnouts " in the parking lot when the rear of the vehicle began to smoke. The vehicle subsequently caught fire. The driver reported running to the hotel to locate a fire extinguisher but was unable to find one. FIREWATCH is a compilation of fire incidents involving a variety of occupancies and fire types. The intent of Firewatch is to illustrate the range of fire scenarios encountered by the fire service, present the challenges contained in those incidents, recount how the fire service addressed those challenges, and record the effectiveness of fire protection systems, where such systems exist. The incidents are identified by NFPA's Research Group from fire reports submitted to NFPA by responding fire departments. Some of the fire incidents that appear in Firewatch are augmented with details provided by media accounts. 66 | NFPA JOURNAL * FALL 2022 GETTY IMAGES