Dispatches NFPA.ORG/ DISPATCHES Read the position papers and view the presentations given at the 2024 Urban Fire Forum. FIRE SERVICE NEW GEAR, By Jesse Roman T 10 | NFPA JOURNAL * WINTER 2024 op fire officials in the U.S. and Europe, including a couple dozen chiefs from some of the world's largest fire departments, gathered at NFPA headquarters near Boston in September to tackle a two-day agenda full of hot-button issues. During the annual meeting, known as the Urban Fire Forum, the influential group discussed and presented on a host of challenging issues facing the fire NEW CHALLENGES SOME OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL FIRE CHIEFS IN THE U.S. AND EUROPE DISCUSS THE PROBLEM OF PFAS AND TURNOUT GEAR AT THE LATEST URBAN FIRE FORUM. ALSO ON THE AGENDA: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES, AND MORE. GETTY IMAGEShttp://www.NFPA.ORG/DISPATCHES http://www.NFPA.ORG/DISPATCHES