Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 40

Bright Spot Network -
Bright Spot Network provides young cancer survivors
who are parents of small children with a safe space
for individual and familial healing, recovery, and
Mighty + Bright - mightyandbright.com
Mighty + Bright helps kids by relieving the uncertainty
that comes with cancer treatment. Using fun picture
books, kids learn the science of cancer in an honest,
totally non-scary way, and how treatment-their own
or a parent's-will affect their day-to-day life. The
complementary magnetic calendar allows parents
to show their kids what's happening each day, from
treatment appointments to low-key bonding activities that
are easy enough to do from bed.
Pickles Group - picklesgroup.org/
Having a parent or guardian with cancer can be a lonely,
isolating experience. Pickles Group provides free peer-topeer
support and resources to kids ages 6-18 affected by
their parent or guardian's cancer. Pickles kids strengthen
resilience, have fun with friends who get them, and heal
along the way.
in 1944, CancerCare is the leading national
organization providing free, professional support
services, and information to help people manage the
emotional, practical, and financial challenges of cancer.
Our comprehensive services include case management,
counseling, and support groups over the phone, online,
and in-person, educational workshops, publications, and
financial and co-payment assistance. All CancerCare
services are provided by oncology social workers and
world-leading cancer experts.
Family Reach - familyreach.org
Family Reach is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
dedicated to removing the financial barriers standing
between a cancer patient and their treatment. Loss of
income, out-of-pocket expenses, and socioeconomic
factors create disparities in the financial burdens families
face. Family Reach delivers financial education, financial
planning, resource navigation, and emergency relief funds
to patients and caregivers facing a cancer diagnosis so no
family has to choose between their health and their home.
Cook for Your LIFE - cookforyourlife.org
BY CANCER. The American Institute of Cancer Research
estimates that more than 1/3 of the most common
cancers could be prevented through healthier eating and
lifestyles. Since 2007, Cook for your LIFE has provided inperson
and online healthy cooking classes in English and
Spanish free of charge. Our mission is to teach the wider
cancer community of patients, caregivers, and survivors
how to live better, healthier lives through providing 101
education about healthy food, and by teaching the basic
cooking skills needed to succeed in improving diet for
better overall health outcomes. We really do teach
healthy cooking to people touched by cancer.
Project Angel Heart - projectangelheart.org
Project Angel Heart was founded in 1991 to address a
major challenge for Coloradans who are ill: getting the
nutrition they need to get stronger, heal, and remain at
home. Many are too sick to get to the grocery store or
unable to cook for themselves. Others find they have to
choose whether to buy food or medication to make ends
Triage Cancer - triagecancer.org
Triage Cancer provides education on legal and practical
issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with
cancer and their caregivers. Through free in-person
and online educational events, materials, animated
videos, and state-specific resources, Triage Cancer
provides expert content on issues related to work,
insurance, disability benefits, finances, estate planning,
medical decision making, and more. Triage Cancer also
provides free one-on-one help to assist individuals to
better understand their options and possible next steps
through the Legal & Financial Navigation program, as
well as CancerFinances.org, which helps people navigate
finances after cancer. https://triagecancer.org.
We Got This. - wegotthis.org
WeGotThis.org is a nonprofit marketplace created
exclusively for cancer patients and their supporters
to make their lives easier. We connect patients and
loved ones through an online collective of products and
services. This is a place to find real, practical relief during
your treatment and recovery-and for your loved ones,
a one-stop shop that answers our all-time most asked
question: " How can we help? " Now you can literally
answer with a link.
http://www.triagecancer.org https://www.brightspotnetwork.org/ http://www.mightyandbright.com http://www.CancerFinances.org https://www.triagecancer.org https://wegotthis.org/ http://www.WeGotThis.org http://www.picklesgroup.org/ http://www.cookforyourlife.org http://www.cancercare.org/tagged/young_adults http://www.familyreach.org http://www.projectangelheart.org http://www.ELEPHANTSANDTEA.COM

Elephants and Tea - December 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Elephants and Tea - December 2022

Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - Cover1
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - Cover2
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 1
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - Contents
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 3
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 4
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 5
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 6
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 7
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 8
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 9
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 10
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 11
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 12
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 13
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 14
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 15
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 16
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 17
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 18
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 19
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 20
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 21
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 22
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 23
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 24
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 25
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 26
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 27
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 28
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 29
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 30
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 31
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 32
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 33
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 34
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Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 37
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 38
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 39
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 40
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - 41
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Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - Cover3
Elephants and Tea - December 2022 - Cover4