Healing THROUGH WRITING WORKSHOPS PRESENTED BY ELEPHANTS AND TEA AND I'M NOT DONE YET FOUNDATION THESE WORKSHOPS ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY I'M NOT DONE YET FOUNDATION I'm Not Done Yet helps adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients and survivors live their lives the way they deserve to. HOW THEY WORK Learn to use journaling as a form of self-therapy in a relaxed, safe environment. Members of the Elephants and Tea team guide participants through writing prompts and an open discussion after each exercise as a way to connect to their peers. HOW THEY HELP Utilizing the idea of Narrative Therapy, we encourage participants to feel empowered to make changes in their thought patterns and behaviors regarding their experience with cancer. Participants will feel the power in sharing their story not only to help others, but to help aid in their own healing as well. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE WORKSHOPS CONTACT LISA@ELEPHANTSANDTEA.COM Scan to learn more about I'm Not Done Yet Foundationhttps://www.imnotdoneyetfoundation.org/