Elephants and Tea - One Herd - Cover3

This Is Living With Cancer™ is a program developed by Pfi zer Oncology that includes
resources designed for all people living with cancer, regardless of cancer type or stage
of disease. This program is available to anyone in the United States, whether they're
currently on a Pfi zer treatment or not.
Advocacy resources
Nutrition, exercise and wellness tips
Encouragement, education and tools
to help patients navigate their
treatment journey.
Articles about healthy living, exercise and
dietary considerations, as well as resources on
managing depression, anxiety, pain and more.
Personalized support
Hear the real stories of people living with
cancer. Their journeys may be different,
but they all share strength, resilience
and inspiration.
Whether you're a patient or a caregiver,
This Is Living With Cancer™ is here
to provide personalized support and
resources that fi t your needs.
Find tools to help live life beyond your diagnosis at
PP-UNP-USA-2516 © 2023 Pfi zer Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA/August 2023

Elephants and Tea - One Herd

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Elephants and Tea - One Herd

Elephants and Tea - One Herd - Cover1
Elephants and Tea - One Herd - Cover2
Elephants and Tea - One Herd - 1
Elephants and Tea - One Herd - Contents
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