MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 12
become. This is partly because we begin
to lose flexibility, which is essential for
things like bending down. Flexibility has
a whole host of benefits such as keeping
joints healthy, improving blood flow,
and preventing pain. Strength training
is essential because it plays a vital role
in slowing down bone loss and can even
help build bone, with benefits specifically
targeting the hips, spine, and wrists,
which are more prone to fracture. While
attending classes at the local gym (which
were free with my health insurance), I discovered
that activities that put stress on
bones can nudge bone forming cells into
action. That stress comes from the tugging
and pushing on bone that occurs during
strength training as well as weight bearing
aerobic exercises like walking or running.
The result is stronger, denser bones.
I am excited about getting stronger.
Every new workout routine that I embark
on is challenging, but I am focused
on releasing trauma, building my bones,
and becoming a better me. My body may
go through some changes that are uncomfortable,
but I am moving through
it knowing that the changes I make are
healthy and beneficial. I encourage you to
follow some of this simple advice so you,
too, can feel better. Fall in love with taking
care of yourself . . . fall in love with the
path to deep healing . . . fall in love with
becoming the best version of yourself.
But do it with patience, compassion, and
respect for the journey.
PS: I am now a certified yoga teacher
and teach people of all ages, but my
passion is teaching patients, survivors,
and thrivers. I have been working with
Tigerlily as a Pure Cat Yoga instructor.
We started during the pandemic, and
it has been a joy to teach yoga together.
I know firsthand how difficult the yoga
journey can be. It doesn't matter if you
are flexible or not. It doesn't matter what
size you are. Trust me when I tell you your
body craves these poses/movements. It
can help support the healing process after
your body has suffered from any type of
trauma. So, try it and see for yourself. My
classes are offered every Monday from
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST). If you can't
join the live sessions, you can view the
recorded ones. l
Yoga to Love Your Bones
may not live another five years. And
my children are now 18, 19, 20, and
22. My oncologist even said that I
may not see my children graduate. "
Tigerlily: In one sentence,
what advice would you like
to share with the breast
cancer community?
Valencia: We must remain hopeful.
Be sure to surround yourself with
positive things and positive people,
because you can survive this.
Tigerlily: Tell us about yourself!
Valencia: My name is Valencia,
and I am a yoga instructor with Tigerlily
Pure Cat Initiative. I am a breast
cancer survivor and a mother of four.
Tigerlily: What was your
motivating factor to
start practicing Yoga?
Valencia: Actually, my oncologist
really encouraged me to start yoga.
Tigerlily: When were you
diagnosed with cancer?
Valencia: I was diagnosed with
breast cancer at the age of 33, my
children were three, four, five, and
eight, respectively, and I was a high
school English teacher. I was diagnosed
with triple-negative breast cancer
(TNBC). In 2006, not much was known
about TNBC. It's an aggressive form
of cancer. The doctors kept telling me,
" We have to do something quick, quick,
quick, because this is an aggressive
cancer. My oncologist even told me I
Tigerlily: What is the greatest
benefit you have experienced
from yoga as it relates
to your bone health?
Valencia: I have been doing yoga to
help my bones. I had a hysterectomy at
the age of 34, so I immediately went into
menopause. When you go into menopause,
your bones become compromised.
Yoga helps to prevent osteoporosis,
which is a bone thinning disease. People
like me who are forced into menopause at
an early age must do everything we can
to maintain our healthy bone structure.
Tigerlily: What is your
go-to exercise?
Valencia: As a breast cancer survivor
and mother of four, yoga is my go-to
exercise. It has helped me strengthen
my bones, maintain flexibility, and just
become a healthier version of myself.
Tigerlily: What are five
yoga exercises to help
you love your bones?
Valencia: Seated Breathing,
Seated Twist Pose, Bridge Pose,
Tree Pose, and Locust Pose.
A year ago, Valencia's youngest child graduated from high
school, and not only was she able to attend, but she also
celebrated this special milestone with her family.
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 2
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 3
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Contents
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 5
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 7
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 8
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 9
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 10
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 11
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 12
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 13
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 18
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover4