Tigerlily Foundation offers a FREE online wellness platform that is open to all! Pure Cat Initiative is dedicated to healing through movement, meditation, fitness, yoga, prayer, and more! Content and classes offered by Tigerlily's Pure Cat Initiative are free of charge. To get started, you'll need to activate the free " Tigerlily Pure Cat Membership. " Here is your free access link to our classes. Weekly Classes → Mondays 4:00 PM EST Yoga with Valencia → Wednesday 9:00 AM, EST Zumba with Joyce → Wednesday 12:00 PM, EST Movement for All with Coach Derek Monthly → First Friday of each month 8:00 PM EST Community Sound Bath with Michaela → First Saturday of each month 9:30 PM EST #AloneTogether Virtual Dance Party with DJ Dimepiece MY LIFE MATTERS SPRING 2022 21https://www.tigerlilyfoundation.org/programs/pure-cat-initiative/