MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 3
can speak firsthand on the impact cancer has had on my life and my body. Both the disease and
the treatments I underwent to survive shook me to the core. It was scary, painful, challenging, and
humbling. I have been lucky and blessed that my body responded to interventions and treatments. I
have also been blessed to have learned how to better honor my body through exercise, diet, and lifestyle.
With the help of the health and wellness community and the grace of God, I have established
a fitness routine that is focused on my bone health as well as my strength and endurance.
I had a healthy lifestyle starting at a young age, eating right, working out with weights, and doing
cardio. I ate healthy most of the time, but I wasn't mindful of how each body part and lifestyle habit
worked in concert to keep me nourished or to help me heal when dealing with illness. Even though
I had a healthy lifestyle, after treatment, I become more aware of the things I could do to keep my
bones healthy, as well as every part of my body-inside and out.
I have made so many amazing friends who are living through various stages of cancer-many of
them metastatic. They have inspired this publication that focuses on people living with metastatic
cancer, including individuals, programs, and opportunities that serve the metastatic community.
Everyone who touches our programs in some way has been impacted by cancer-their authenticity,
strength, and fearlessness has inspired me. In fact, I have adopted lifestyle habits from each of them
that has improved my health, including my bone health, which is important to us all. Catherine
" Cat " Odderstol, the inspiration behind Pure Cat inspired me to become a yogi, and Derek keeps
me accountable at the gym to do various exercises that improve my bone health. I met my good
friend, Dr. Jen after my diagnosis, who taught me the importance of nutrition and supplements,
and I recently implemented a vegan lifestyle. I monitor my sleep, run several times a week, and love
protein veggie smoothies-all packed with bone healthy nutrients.
Don't get me wrong, while cancer has been devastating to me and so many people I love, I try to
always turn a challenge into a catalyst for good. Losing Cat has been one of the most painful experiences
of my life, but we launched the Pure Cat Initiative in her honor and are almost into the
second year of our health and wellness programs. These programs are designed for individuals living
with all stages of cancer with a focus on improving bone health. All our programs complement
each other and the needs of our community. Our ANGEL Advocate Program works to empower
advocates. Our Clinical Trials Program is focused on education and working to ensure equity for
diverse communities in research and treatment options for individuals living with cancer.
Through our programs, we seek to educate, support, and empower women of all backgrounds, including
those at heightened risk, those facing health disparities, and those with less access to care. We
strive to end isolation and improve the quality of life among breast cancer survivors. Most importantly,
we encourage and endeavor to empower patients at every stage of their journey. We want to show
them that they are not alone-they are beautiful and strong like the tiger and the lily, and that they
can be transformed-during and after breast cancer. We would like to thank Elephants and Tea for
partnering with us on this spring edition of My LIFE Matters magazine and being a part of that change.
Blessings, hope, and much love! l
Maimah Karmo
Chief Program Officer:
Shanda Cooper
Manager of Content Strategy
and Development:
Jacqueline Selymes
Chief Operating Officer:
Katie Mang
Communication Manager:
Dinisha Govender
Manager Research and
Virginia Leach
Tigerlily Foundation
42020 Village Center Plaza
Suite 120-156
Stone Ridge, VA 20105.
Tigerlily Foundation is a 501c3 tax
exempt, non-profit organization.
" I think if it's
talked about early
people will take
the necessary
steps to increasing
and maintaining
healthy bones. "
- Tameka Johnson, ANGEL Advocate
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 2
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 3
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Contents
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 8
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 9
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 10
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 12
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover4