MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 6

Bone Health WHAT THE " F " ARE BONES?
What the 'F'
are Bones?
ave you ever wondered what the " F " are bones? Seriously,
we all have them, we all need them, and it's important we
do everything we can to keep them healthy. When we gathered
as a team at Tigerlily Foundation and talked about
bone health, we all found we had lots of questions. Many
of us have been told we have bone density loss, many of us have experienced
or know someone who has had broken bones in addition to bone
pain. All of us have firsthand experience with arthritis and osteoporosis
ourselves or with family members. And that got us thinking, " What the
" F " are Bones? "
Bones play an extremely important role in your health. From protecting
your organs to assisting in the production of red blood cells,
they are a vital organ you need to function every day. Like many other
parts of your body, your bones evolve and work differently depending
on which part of the life cycle you are in. Bones are live tissue and
must be cared for, just like you must care for your heart. Therefore
it's imperative to LOVE YOUR BONES.
It sounds like a simple question, but do you really know what bones are?
Bones are not just solid hunks of calcium that live under your skin and
make up your skeleton. They can change over time and have their own
blood vessels and proteins. Yes, they provide support and structure to
your body, but they also play an influential role in storing essential minerals
such as calcium and phosphorus, in addition to housing bone marrow
(tissue that produces red blood cells).
Bones do not remain the same size or shape throughout life, which is
evident when comparing a baby's bones to an active adult's-they will
be different in size, shape, and position depending on one's age. Bones
may appear to be solid, but parts of your bones are growing and other
parts are breaking down constantly. This process works simultaneously
to maintain the bone cycle throughout your body in a process called bone
remodeling (or bone metabolism).
Bone resorption, when bones break down, is a necessary aspect of the
bone remodeling cycle. While it is true that we don't want our bones
to be broken down to the point that they are brittle, bone resorption
is important for a variety of reasons, including:
* Repairing small cracks in bones that naturally occur.
* Preventing the build-up of too much old bone, which tends to
become brittle.
* Supplying the body with calcium and phosphorus when needed
due to lack of dietary intake.
Bone mass starts building early in life
and appears to peak by late adolescence
or into our twenties. As we age and our
hormones start to shift, the rate of bone
breakdown tends to be faster than the rate
of bone growth. Estrogen is one such hormone
that plays a role in bone health and
is produced in lower amounts as women
age. Estrogen inhibits bone breakdown
and may stimulate bone formation. When
estrogen levels decrease, bone loss can
occur as a result. Too much breakdown
with not enough rebuilding can result in
osteoporosis, a condition in which bones
become weak and brittle, putting you at a
higher risk for bone fractures.
Lifesaving cancer treatments and living
with cancer itself can have a devastating
impact on our bones. Supporting bone
health before, during, and after treatment
helps improve your overall health, movement,
strength and flexibility, and reduces
your risks of bone-related illness. Knowing
your F's: Facts, Food, Fitness, and Focus are
things that you can do to Love Your Bones. l
Tigerlily Foundation has carefully
crafted a number of resources
including blogs, videos, and
worksheets focused on bone
health. We also have weekly Pure
Cat Fitness classes, episodes on
BREATHE TV, and Twitter chats
that support bone health. It all
starts with you-Bone Health
and You. Knowledge is power.
We encourage you to look at the
Tigerlily Foundation Bone Health
Resources, discuss bone health
with your medical providers, take
a Pure Cat Fitness class, or start
a rehabilitation program through
your hospital network.

MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022

MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover1
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 2
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 3
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Contents
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 5
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 6
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 7
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 8
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 9
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 10
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 11
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 12
MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - 13
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MY LIFE Matters - Spring 2022 - Cover4