37 SIDE EFFECTS AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT /// CHAPTER 23 Side Effects Introduction This section is not meant to scare you but to be as aware as possible that you will have side effects to cancer treatments. All treatment is going to case some good effects on the cancer and some undesired side effects that can occur during the day of treatment, in the following days to week, or even years later. Side effects will range from common and expected to rare and unexpected. Ask for printed material on each medicine you don't recognize - definitely your chemo drugs - that lists its expected side effects. You can also ask the nurse as she gives the medicine: " Remind me the name and what to expect from this medicine. " " Dear body, you're beat down and worn out. But you are mine. And together we struggle to live another day. " - Jennifer Anand, writer for Elephants and Tea. Read more stories and experiences written by Jennifer at https://elephantsandtea.com/author/ jennifer-anand/.https://www.elephantsandtea.com/author/jennifer-anand/ https://www.elephantsandtea.com/author/jennifer-anand/ https://fwaya.org/