NHPCO 11th Clinical Team Conference - (Page 6)
Conference Highlights
Reflection Room
A unique and popular feature of each Clinical Team Conference is the NCHPP Reflection Room. It is a quiet, reverent place where conference attendees can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the conference and is created to honor the emotional and spiritual lives of those who take such nurturing care of others. Visit it several times during the conference to find comfort and take solace there.
Education Highlights
Pediatric Intensive
Care for children in the last year(s) of life is an expanding and evolving challenge for providers, regulators and advocates. In 2009, NHPCO’s Children’s Project on Palliative/Hospice Services (ChiPPS) published NHPCO’s first standards of care for hospices and palliative care providers, offering specific guidance on how to optimally care for children and their family members. The Pediatric Intensive will offer sessions that enhance provider and professional capacity to meet and exceed these standards and ensure that staff have the education needed to confidently care for seriously ill children and their family caregivers.
Welcome Reception with the Exhibitors
The first evening of the Clinical Team Conference kicks off with a showcase of the latest products and services for the hospice/palliative care industry. Exhibitors will display their latest offerings on Monday, September 13 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Come have a drink on us and enjoy an entertaining evening with top vendors in the hospice/palliative care field. Visit www.nhpco.org/opportunities for a full listing of exhibit and corporate support opportunities and to become a part of this showcase.
Posters and Poster Session
Posters provide opportunities for attendees to learn, study and consider significant work presented in a visual medium, allowing them to assimilate information in a new way and at their own pace. Posters will be on view beginning Monday, September 13 at 7:00 am until 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 15. A Poster Session will be held Tuesday, September 14 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am. This session, coupling the visual presentation with opportunities to discuss findings and applications with faculty, will provide a rich learning experience. See page 30 for a list of posters that will be included.
Job Fair
Are you having trouble finding qualified staff to fill key positions in your organization? NHPCO’s Job Fair is a great way to promote your organization and have face-to-face meetings with experienced hospice leaders interested in making a career change. This cost-effective approach to recruiting qualified candidates can help you meet your future employees from across the nation. The Job Fair will be open on Tuesday, September 14, 7:00 am-1:45 pm.
Interested in showcasing your program? Do you have a product or service that benefits the hospice/palliative care field?
For information regarding exhibit space, corporate support or final program advertising, please contact David Cherry at exhibit@nhpco.org or 703/647-8509.
Performing in the Key of
Excellence in Interdisciplinary Care
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO 11th Clinical Team Conference
NHPCO 11th Clinical Team Conference
Conference Overview
Conference Logistics
General Information
Conference Highlights
Education Highlights
Continuing Education and Evaluation
Special Preconference Events
Preconference Seminars
Plenary Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
General Registration Information
Registration Form
Exhibitor Information
Future NHPCO Conference Dates and Locations
NHPCO 11th Clinical Team Conference