The Honorees from
Quality on Display
hat are some of the outstanding Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) programs being undertaken by members around the country? To find out, the NHPCO Quality and Standards Committee sponsored the poster competition, “Quality on Display,” during the NHPCO Management and Leadership Conference (MLC) this past April. Providermembers from around the country were asked to present a “visual narrative” of their QAPI
program—designed to fit on 4-by8-foot freestanding displays. “One of the key reasons to sponsor the competition was to generate interest and conversations about QAPI projects among the MLC attendees,” says NHPCO director of research, Carol Spence, PhD. “The committee felt that showcasing what other programs have done well would prompt more members to think about what they could do.” The Quality Partners Task Group of the Quality and Standards Committee (see the sidebar on
page 15) judged the submissions based on both design and content. The judges considered the poster’s overall design and how well the text and visuals were integrated as well as the hospice’s knowledge of QAPI program elements; its presentation of the QAPI program’s structure and outcomes; and the effectiveness of the poster presentation in stimulating interest in QAPI. Here, NewsLine is proud to showcase the three organizations that received special recognition for excellence as well as their QAPI programs....
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NewsLine - June 2011