Tip of the Month
s 2011 draws to a close, every compliance professional should be thinking about completion of year-end regulatory requirements and preparing for 2012 compliance activities. Here are several suggestions from the NHPCO Regulatory and Compliance team to help you with the year-end wrap up. HHS OCR Compliance Fewer than 500 individuals annually provide the Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights with notification of HIPPA and HITECH breaches that occur during the calendar year. Yet all notifications should be submitted within 60 days of the end of the calendar year, using the OCR’s online form. OSHA Compliance OSHA’s “Form 300: Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” is used to classify work-related injuries and illnesses and note the extent and severity of each case. Employers must: • Maintain an OSHA Form 300 Log for each establishment or site; • Post a summary of the Log by February 1 of the year following the year covered by the form; and • Keep the summary posted until April 30 of that year. The OSHA website includes both the form and instructions. DOL Compliance The Department of Labor (DOL) requires that employers display up-to-date DOL employment posters in key areas where all staff can readily observe them. Visit the DOL eLaws FirstStep Poster Advisor to determine which poster updates you will need for 2012.
Year-end Compliance Wrap Up
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NewsLine - December 2011