Veterans outreach opportunity:
Host a screening of “Honor Flight, the Movie”
As many members may know, the
Honor Flight Network is a nonprofit organization that makes it
a mission to transport America’s
Veterans to Washington, DC
to visit and reflect at their
memorials. Top priority is given
to World War II Veterans as
well as to those who may be
terminally ill.
Now a movie captures the
significance of this gesture and
the depth of gratitude felt by the
Veterans who take these Honor
Flights. This film documentary
follows four living World War
II Veterans as they embark
on their trip to see the World
War II Memorial, all while
volunteers from their Midwestern
community work behind the
scenes to orchestrate a series of
heartwarming surprises as their
trip-of-a-lifetime unfolds.
To Host a Screening:
Visit the We Honor Veterans
website for information
on the two ways you can
host a screening in your
community—or download
the PDF now.
If your organization is a
We Honor Veterans partner,
this is a great way to help
maintain your partnership
level or advance to
the next level while
raising awareness about
your program and its
commitment to Veterans.
To learn more about the film
and watch the trailer, visit
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NewsLine - May 2013