ehospice is a globally run news and
information resource committed to
offering the latest news, commentary
and analysis from the world of
hospice, palliative and end-of-life
care. ehospice is a collaborative
venture, with different editions
developed for many nations across
the globe.
ehospiceUSA is a free resource
powered by NHPCO that has been
created for a specific target
audience — hospice referral sources.
Any professional that may be caring
for or supporting patients and
families who may be appropriate for
hospice will find useful information
on ehospiceUSA.
NHPCO hopes that providers will
share ehospiceUSA as a resource that
will be helpful to the referral sources
they work with in their communities
across the country. Find this new
resource at:
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NewsLine - July 2013