NHPCO Strategic Plan for 2010-2012 - (Page 21)

NHPCO 2010-12 Strategic Plan Infrastructure Area—Organizational Excellence Goal: Foster a culture of excellence which facilitates efficiency, professional development and innovation. Objectives 1. Develop a corporate/legal infrastructure for the National Center for Care at the End of Life 2. Promote continuous improvement in all NHPCO programs and services Key Initiatives a. Develop corporate framework to support the NHPCO, NHF, FHSSA and Alliance, and also capacity for additional entities as needed in the future a. Create and implement a quality improvement process for NHPCO and affiliates b. Identify key indicators of quality based on the strategic plans of NHPCO and the affiliates c. Develop NHPCO Monthly Dashboard Reports a. Establish a process for evaluating the ROI for NHPCO’s programs, services and events b. Implement ROI process to systematically evaluate programs, services and events c. Discontinue or modify programs, services and events with low ROI 3. Review effectiveness, relevance and further development and return (ROI) on investment of all organizational activities Current Activities to Support This Strategic Area • NHPCO STAR survey to elicit staff feedback about NHPCO’s workplace, job satisfaction and related issues, with a plan to address identified challenges • Monthly All-Team meetings to provide ongoing updates about NHPCO and affiliate programs, activities, and projects • Continuing educational sessions to promote staff development • Orientation of new staff to NHPCO, affiliates and hospice • “Green” advisory committee to review and recommend ways to care for the environment and save on operational costs • Conduct internal annual salary and benefit surveys to ensure NHPCO is competitive in the association market • Maintain an up-to-date IT infrastructure for all staff to access the computer system while in the office and offsite • Maintain and update the SharePoint system for access by staff, board members and other constituents • Maintain and update a membership database that houses data for NHPCO and its affiliates • Monthly evaluation of program financial statements by the leadership team • Annual and mid-year budget process to benchmark our actual financial progress in comparison to budgeted goals • Monthly review of financial trend and dashboard reports to compare actual revenues/expenses to budgeted goals

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NHPCO Strategic Plan for 2010-2012

NHPCO Strategic Plan for 2010-2012
About the Plan’s Development
Strategic Short- and Long-Term Goals
National Center for Care at the End of Life
Strategic Pillars
Strategic Areas
Member Engagement
Consumer Engagement
Data Interpretation, Evaluation, and Research
Infrastructure Areas
Organizational Excellence
Resource Development

NHPCO Strategic Plan for 2010-2012
