ASR Digital LineUp - (Page 16)

presented by For the sixth straight season, Boost Mobile presents GoldBox Mission, the vanguard of specialty brand showcases. GoldBox continues to connect forward-minded retailers with today’s inspiration in the coolest space on the show floor. TLT KICKS 661.444.7999 TLT KICKS may be new to the game, but it’s not unfamiliar with substance, history and fame. TLT is emerging in the market after a long history of underground cultural development among a mostly hidden society: graffiti art. One never to follow a trend,TLT is using its graffiti roots to bring fresh shoe designs with flair that does not hurt the eye. TLT has diversified its team from the likes of Dean Lister, a UFC fighter, to James “ Munky” Shaffer from Korn and other genres in between. Understanding the youth today has many facets of cultural awareness and bridging these gaps is a hands-on core approach. With every corporate giant using graffiti as its new scapegoat to prove their street credibility, TLT has been down with nothing to prove but giving the public a quality product. Spicy 760.484.6810 Spicy is a women’s fashion company that is all about sincere style. We exude style not only in our clothes, but also in our business practices.We embrace social responsibility, compassion and environmental awareness as we inspire women to recognize their radiant inner beauty. Our clothes are bohemian chic, beach couture. Spicy is currently being donned by the likes of Shenoah Curran, Lindsy Richards, Erin Hawk and Jennifer Miller. “Personal style is about creating a vibe and communicating who you are, and what you believe in.At Spicy, we allow our customers to create their own style, while buying from a sincere company with values.” Erin Hawk, creative consultant.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASR Digital LineUp

ASR Digital LineUp - ASR January 24-26, 2008
Welcome to ASRI
Table of Contents
SIMA Letter
BRA Letter
IASC Letter
Workspace: Matuse
Trends: Skate
GoldBox Mission
Spotlight Index

ASR Digital LineUp