Julie’s viewpoint…
What inspired your career choices?
Indecision. Architectural education bridged so many of my interests—from art, to science, to history.
Julie Eizenberg, AIA Principal, Koning Eizenberg Architecture Santa Monica, Calif.
What advice would you give to A&D students or those just starting out in the field?
Take risks, and enjoy what you do. Expect that it isn’t always easy but that the breakthrough is always a thrill.
What is the most fulfilling part of your job?
Working with clients and colleagues to conceptualize ideas and potentials.
What do you consider to be your motto or design philosophy?
Make architecture for people that expands possibilities for use and experience.
What do you consider to be your greatest professional achievement?
Seeing and communicating the value of design for community places.
What would be your dream project?
Any project where the client is interested in thinking with us.
What is the best thing you’ve learned in the past 10 years?
All projects are personal to those who commission and use the space you design.
What do you consider to be the most exhilarating interior space you have ever been in?
I get a real buzz from a crammed-full hardware store in Mexico City as well as from the interior of the Chapel at Ronchamp.
What are the biggest challenges facing interior designers today?
Being obsessive about choices that don’t matter, at the expense of the ease and experience of the whole.
If you could have selected another career, what might you have been?
Fashion designer or lawyer.
contract may 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Contract - May 2011