Commercial Property News - November 2008 - (Page 14)

MARKET INTELLIGENCE CONFERENCES U.S. Investors Expand Abroad, Face Plenty of Competition enry Cisneros praised Trea- markets’ short-term future. “I have never seen the market in sury Secretary Henry Paulson’s decision to place the a better place to face a downturn,” . government-sponsored enterprises said Holliday Fenoglio Fowler L.P under conservatorship when he executive managing director, John opened the first ever Cityscape USA Pelusi, though he slated the recovery conference on Sept. 9.The event at stage as being early in the game. In the meantime, the deterioratthe Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, which accom- ing U.S. economy will continue to panied a trade show featuring U.S. affect commercial real estate fundaand foreign real estate players, took mentals negatively, according to a panel offering “The place two days after Macroeconomic President George View.” There might W. Bush announced also be signs of the federal governslowing growth in ment’s takeover of Asia, including Fannie Mae and some failures of Freddie Mac. Japanese REITs, Cisneros also said International expressed surprise Real Estate Trade that the country Organization chairhad reached that man Bryan Shaffer. point,but the execHe also warned utive chairman that China’s buildof CityView and ing boom may former Secretary have outpaced its of the Department Cityscape USA Opening Keynote growth, though he of Housing and Speaker Henry Cisneros remained positive Urban Development offered a glowing long-term regarding prospects in Dubai. Non-U.S. investors are quickly outlook for real estate businesses, thanks to population growth, sus- increasing their presence in the real tainability, globalizing and the evo- estate arena, Real Capital Analytics Inc. founder & president Robert lution of new growth industries. Opening the second day,Kenneth White Jr. noted during a discussion Bacon, executive vice president of about worldwide investment into housing and community develop- real estate. The United States has ment for Fannie Mae, predicted that been the biggest buyer, but “capital the new conservatorship would sta- flows are changing rapidly,” he said. bilize the GSEs and that apartments Mostreal estate investment has would benefit from population been in developing markets, but growth, though he also foresees an “emerging markets are important,” increase in apartment cap rates he said. White topped the list with China toward more sustainable levels. The conference took place but noted that Brazil and India are before Lehman Brothers Inc. also on investors’ radar. Observed declared bankruptcy, but pan- Jane Murray, head of Asia-Pacific elists also offered insights into research & international director for the U.S. commercial real estate Jones Lang LaSalle Inc.,“The movemarket’s ability to survive and ment to cities is very strong. U.S recover from the volatility that investors will increase their allocafollowed. A keynote panel of fin- tions to the region.” On the other anciers, moderated by CPN edi- hand, the Middle East, particularly tor-in-chief Suzann Silverman cau- Dubai, has received much less attentiously forecast that a commercial tion from U.S. investors. —Suzann D. Silverman, with reporting by real estate rebound would start a Coreen Bailor, Eugene Gilligan, Amanda year from now, depending on the Marsh, Amanda Metcalf & Paul Rosta residential sector’s and financial H Better Solutions = Better Information Better Information = Better Decisions Better Decisions = Higher ROI To learn more about better solutions and a demo, contact us at 866-230-4685 or email us at Intuit Real Estate Solutions Portfolio Modeling • Budgeting • Waterfall 14 Commercial Property News • November 2008 •

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Commercial Property News - November 2008

CPN - November 2008
Starting Line
Seniors Housing
Through the Fog
CPN’s Top Cities for Investment & Corporate Relocation
CPN-Nielsen Claritas Special Report

Commercial Property News - November 2008