CPN - July 2009 - (Page 4)

STARTING LINE New Future hether the current market is a catalyst for a sea change or just a time to refocus on what’s most important, it is forcing the commercial real estate industry to reevaluate how it’s doing business and how business could be conducted better. Following the heady days of the past few years, the dearth of financing, pullbacks among corporate tenants and a consequent change in how they run their businesses are taking commercial real estate to the next level—Real Estate 3.0, as it were, where having the right people in place makes a difference, technological knowhow is mandatory and a better realization of sustainability’s benefits will be Suzann D. Silverman necessary (for more on this, see our cover story on page 18). As the industry evolves, our research shows that you, its senior-level deci- Editor-in-Chief sion makers, have revised your roles to become more involved than ever in the day-to-day operations of your companies, oftentimes down to a previously unconsidered granular level. Spending at almost any level requires your approval, and often so do decisions regarding the vendors, suppliers and service providers with which your organization will ultimately choose to work. And you are shaping your business strategies more carefully than ever. As you work through these decisions, you are asking for new types of information, and we find ourselves in a unique position to provide it.Thus, we are making a change of our own. To better align our own role with your needs, as of August, Commercial Property News will become Commercial Property Executive, a critical resource for senior-level executives that own, invest in, develop, lease and/or manage commercial real estate.Through print, online and in-person vehicles, we will provide the data, research and strategic insights you seek to incorporate into your efforts at business process improvement.These will include expanded access to globally recognized, proprietary data and research from our parent,The Nielsen Co., as well as critical real estate data, expert opinion from thought leaders both within and outside the industry and in-depth examination of successful business strategies. As a central resource for the commercial real estate community, Commercial Property Executive will be accessible through a variety of media.The magazine will complement a range of digital options, including expansion of our frequent video and audio programming on CPE TV and CPE Radio, as well as our experts’ blog, From the Inside, which features regular, thought-provoking insights from industry leaders and experts in related critical areas.The daily e-newsletter will continue to provide analysis and perspective to help you respond to the most important news events each day, as well as evaluation of how the latest economic news will impact the industry, and our range of specialty e-newsletters will feature insightful commentary relating to specific areas of the business. Further discussion will take place during live and virtual events. At a time when information matters, relationships count and creativity is critical, we look forward to serving in our new role as Commercial Property Executive, providing you with the hard data and strategic insight that is so important to business success both today and tomorrow. W Group Publisher & Show Director Daniel J. Corcoran daniel.corcoran@nielsen.com Publisher Victoria Osorio EDITORIAL Senior Editor Eugene Gilligan Senior Associate Editor Paul Rosta News Writer Adam Perrotta adam.perrotta@nielsen.com Editorial Assistant Elena Gontar Contributing Writers Brad Berton, Jennifer Duell, Leslie Gilbert Elman, Kenneth Rosen ART/PRODUCTION Group Art Director Bruce Monroe Managing Editor Amanda Metcalf Group Production Director Berryl Schiffer berryl.schiffer@nielsen.com Production Manager Barbara W. Lau, 646-654-7308 barbara.lau@nielsen.com ADVERTISING SALES Fax: 646-654-4596 Regional Sales Director Jason J. Wafalosky, 484-228-8481 jason.wafalosky@nielsen.com CUSTOM REPRINTS Angie VanGorder, 717-399-1900 x176, cpn@theygsgroup.com LIST RENTALS Nikki Miller, 646-654-7261 nikki.miller@nielsen.com AUDIENCE MARKETING Shelly Patton, 646-654-7258 shelly.patton@nielsen.com MARKETING Marketing Director Kevin Marty, 516-682-6149 kevin.marty@nielsen.com GENERAL INFORMATION 770 Broadway New York, NY 10003-9595 Phone: 646-654-5380 Fax: 646-654-4598 Editor-in-Chief Suzann D. Silverman suzann.silverman@nielsen.com PRINT To subscribe, change your address, inquire about your subscription status or order a single copy, ncpn@omeda.com, call 800-6978859 or fax 847-291-4816. U.S. subscriptions $140 per year; all Canadian and Mexican subscriptions: $176 per year; foreign subscriptions: $325 per year; single copies, $10; periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and additional mailing offices DIGITAL www.commercialpropertynews.com CPN Daily News REport CPN Net Lease REport CPN Sector Update CPN Tech Talk To subscribe to one of the above newsletters, visit www.cpnonline.com/newsletters. To inquire about your newsletter subscription status, call 866-8516513 from within the United States or 818-487-4596 from outside the United States or e-mail infocpnonline@pubservice.com. CONFERENCES www.cpnonline.com/conferences 877-9ASK-CPN In Person Dallas-Fort Worth Executive of the Year Awards Net Lease Summit Philadelphia South Florida Virtual The Future of Commercial Real Estate The Future of Corporate Real Estate The Future of Financing The Future of Real Estate Technology & Its Impact on Profit Events Director Cynthia Claravall, 646-654-4583 cynthia.claravall@nielsen.com Assistant Audience Marketing Manager Brittany Davies, 646-654-5883 brittany.davies@nielsen.com P.S. If you have thoughts on these or any other issues, please e-mail me at suzann.silverman@nielsen.com. BPA International Membership 4 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEWS • June/July 2009 • www.cpnonline.com http://www.commercialpropertynews.com http://www.cpnonline.com/newsletters http://www.cpnonline.com/conferences http://www.cpnonline.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPN - July 2009

CPN - July 2009
Starting Line
South Florida Profile
Ranking: Most Powerful Brokerage Firms & Networks
Next Stage
Capital Markets
International Profile: United Kingdom
Architecture & Design
Property-and-Casualty Insurance

CPN - July 2009
