2009 CPN Goldbook - (Page 16)

LENDERS GOLDBOOK 16 PNC Real Estate Finance provider of acquisition, development and permanent PNC has invested in almost 1,600 apartment projects consisting of financing for commercial and multi-family real estate, more than 110,000 apartment units nationwide. PNC Real Estate Finance continues to play a significant Midland Loan Services provides third-party loan servicing, role in the commercial real estate sector. It ranked among the top asset management and technology solutions to the commercial 25 banks lending on commercial and on multi-family mortgages, real estate finance industry and services more than $270 billion according to year-end data from the Federal Deposit worth of commercial and multi-family Insurance Corp. And the Mortgage Bankers Association loans.The company has received some of named it one of the largest master and primary servicers the highest U.S. servicer and special serof commercial/multi-family loans in the United States, vicer ratings in the industry from Fitch one of the largest servicers for life companies and one of Ratings and Standard & Poor’s. Midland the largest Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac servicers. It was also also offers advanced technology solutions named the largest Federal Housing Administration and utilizing its proprietary Enterprise! loanGinnie Mae servicer and one of the largest special sermanagement system, which was develvicers, at a time when special servicing is gaining focus. oped to improve the management of comIn addition to real estate banking services and real estate mercial mortgage portfolios. capital markets solutions, PNC’s real estate businesses offer On Dec. 31, PNC completed the acquiaccess to a fully integrated platform of debt and equity solusition of National City Corp., including tions for affordable housing developers and Fannie Mae, National City’s real estate businesses and Freddie Mac and FHA financing for multi-family developers. Red Capital. Red provides debt and equity PNC is also a leading asset manager. capital along with advisory services to the Its real estate businesses, led by Diana Reid, include Diana Reid multi-family housing, seniors housing and PNC Real Estate Finance, PNC ARCS, PNC MultiFamily Cap- Executive Vice President healthcare industries. Red Mortgage Capiital, Midland Loan Services and the newly added Red Capital Inc. is an active Fannie Mae DUS lender tal Group. It provides short- and long-term financing to many of the for both multi-family and seniors housing. Red Capital Markets largest REITs, home builders and private developers in the country. Inc. underwrites developer-driven multi-family housing bonds and PNC ARCS has ranked then syndicates LIHTC. Red Capital Advisors L.L.C., Red’s propriamong the top Fannie etary investment/merchant banking arm, provides asset manageTapestry in New York City’s Mae Delegated Underment services for both third-party equity investments and Red’s Harlem neighborhood writing and Servicing proprietary holdings. Since 1990, the bankers of Red Capital lenders since 1996, forGroup have provided more than $46 billion in taxable and taxmerly as ARCS Commerexempt first mortgage debt, mezzanine-level capital and equity for cial Mortgage.Since PNC’s multi-family, seniors housing, healthcare and other real estate acquisition of ARCS in properties nationwide. 2007, PNC ARCS has During 2008, PNC continued to embrace the integration of offered Fannie Mae, Fanenvironmental responsibility with its day-to-day business practices nie Mae DUS and Freddie enterprisewide, including real estate. For example, in the fall, Mac lending programs. In PNC MultiFamily Capital provided an LIHTC equity investment for 2008, PNC, including the rehabilitation of Wheeler Terrace, the first multi-family affordable housing project in the District of Columbia to obtain both Green Communities and Wheeler Terrace in Washington, D.C. LEED silver certifications.And in November, it arranged an LIHTC equity investment for Tapestry, a 185-unit, environmentally friendly, mixed-income residential property in New York City’s Harlem neighborhood.Tapestry, at 245 E. 124th St., will be a 12-story block-andplank structure with underground parking. PNC ARCS, originated almost The project balances a mix of affordability $3 billion worth of multi-family between market rate, middle income and low loans. Since its inception in income in its unit composition. 1995, ARCS has originated The PNC Financial Services Group is one nearly $30 billion. of the nation’s largest diversified financial servPNC MultiFamily Capital provides debt and equity for affordable ices organizations, providing retail and business banking, wealth housing developments nationwide.As part of this strategy, it syndimanagement, asset management, global fund services and specialcates funds that invest in projects that generate low-incomeized services for corporations and government entities, including housing tax credits. Through these funds or for its own account, corporate banking, real estate finance and asset-based lending. A CPN COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEWS • May 2009 • www.cpnonline.com http://www.cpnonline.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2009 CPN Goldbook

2009 CPN Goldbook
Industry Update
From the Expert
Mortgage Banks
Service Providers
Title Insurance Firms
Technology (Software) Firms
Net Lease Investors

2009 CPN Goldbook

2009 CPN Goldbook - 2009 CPN Goldbook (Page Cover1)
2009 CPN Goldbook - 2009 CPN Goldbook (Page Cover2)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Contents (Page 3)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Industry Update (Page 4)
2009 CPN Goldbook - From the Expert (Page 5)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Owners/Investors (Page 6)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Owners/Investors (Page 7)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Owners/Investors (Page 8)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Developers (Page 9)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Developers (Page 10)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Developers (Page 11)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Mortgage Banks (Page 12)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Mortgage Banks (Page 13)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Mortgage Banks (Page 14)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Lenders (Page 15)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Lenders (Page 16)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Lenders (Page 17)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Service Providers (Page 18)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Service Providers (Page 19)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Service Providers (Page 20)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Service Providers (Page 21)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Title Insurance Firms (Page 22)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Title Insurance Firms (Page 23)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Technology (Software) Firms (Page 24)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Technology (Software) Firms (Page 25)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Net Lease Investors (Page 26)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Net Lease Investors (Page 27)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Appraisers (Page 28)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Appraisers (Page 29)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Appraisers (Page 30)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Appraisers (Page 31)
2009 CPN Goldbook - Appraisers (Page Cover4)