Portfolio HD 2009 EXPO angela adams and MDC Wallcoverings Internationally recognized designer angela adams has partnered with MDC Wallcoverings to create a sustainable wallcovering collection featuring adams' signature aesthetic. The combination of fresh patterns and exceptional printing techniques has modern appeal. The offerings incorporate innovative Encore reclamation program technology, 100% post-consumer recyclability, recycled packaging, non-PVC construction and water-based inks. CASCO A pattern always noticed in Maine; barnacles on a rock, periwinkles in a tidal pool, an aerial view of islands, or bubbles in ice or a mud puddle. GRASS Inspired by the beach grass that grows along the coast of Maine, changing colors with each season. LULU Inspired by beach rocks, stacks of wood and frozen bubbles in the ice. 1200 Arthur Avenue • Elk Grove, IL 60007 tel: 800-621-4006 • fax: 847-437-4017 www.mdcwall.com A S P E C I A L A D V E R T I S I N G S U P P L E M E N T T O H O S P I TA L I T Y D E S I G Nhttp://www.mdcwall.com http://www.mdcwall.com