Featuring EarthWerks Stained Concrete Reducing our footprint on the planet. The rare beauty of nature. The real benefits of sustainable vinyl. This is EarthWerks. Unique nature-inspired tile and plank designs that capture the intricate graining of wood, the rugged spirit of stone and marble, and the enduring performance, value and “green-friendly” quality of vinyl. And the real beauty of EarthWerks? Everything we do — our people, programs and products — is focused on sustaining resources while helping you efficiently create unique interior environments. With EarthWerks, better flooring just comes naturally. F or i n for ma t i on reg ard in g o u r e x t e n s i v e l i n e o f su st a i n a b l e v i n y l fl oor i ng , p le a s e c a l l 8 0 0 - 2 7 5 - 7 9 4 3 x 8 2 2 4 , or v i si t u s on l i n e at w w w. e a r t h w e r k s . n e thttp://www.earthwerks.net http://www.earthwerks.net