2010 SPIRIT AWARDS may 12th Designs for Dignity believes that the built environment can have a transformative impact on the experience of those in need. Often, those who could benefit the most from good design often have the least access to it. Our mission is to engage the design community and all of its resources to respond to this need. In the spirit of this work, please join us in honoring the individuals and organizations who have helped us transform the lives of those in need this year. Along with awards, food and cocktails, the evening will feature a silent auction to benefit Designs for Dignity. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12TH, 6PM–9PM CHICAGO CULTURAL CENTER PRESTON BRADLEY HALL 78 E. WASHINGTON TICKETS: $150/PERSON GET INVOLVED. DONATE TIME, FURNISHINGS, AND MATERIALS. MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY. WWW.DESIGNSFORDIGNITY.ORG Event Co-Chairs Honorees Helen Rek and Lynn Schrage The Spirit Award Beverly Hammel Founder’s Award Sustainability International Award Interior Design Coalesse Association (IIDA) Caminiti Associates Inc. PREMIER MEDIA SPONSORhttp://WWW.DESIGNSFORDIGNITY.ORG http://WWW.DESIGNSFORDIGNITY.ORG