What’s old is new again this year at NeoCon 2011. Visit Mayer Fabrics for an exciting launch of unprecedented inspirations for design and color. See us in NeoCon Showroom #8-6062 w w w.mayer fabric s .com 80 0.428 .4415 HosDesJune2011_HosptDesign/Spark Modern Fires 2011 5/3/11 2:48 PM Page 1 Design Competition Grand Prize Winner modern fires This year’s winner features SPARK’s Linear Burner System Outdoor. Desco Residence: Designer | Ana Seyffert Photo | Adam Fish. To view other winners and SPARK’s entire design portfolio visit www.sparkfires.com p.866.938.3846http://www.mayerfabrics.com http://www.mayerfabrics.com http://www.sparkfires.com http://www.sparkfires.com