Register now at! Join the celebration at GlobalShop’s 20th Anniversary Find conference sessions tailored just for you with new specialized tracks: Store Design & Planning Visual Merchandising & Branding Shopper Marketing & Consumer Insights GlobalShop Sponsored by: Discover never-before-seen features like the all new Design Inspiration Showcase. Explore an incredible expo with more exhibitors and innovations than any show of its kind! Visit today to register and learn more about what’s new in 2012! February 29 - March 2, 2012 Sands Expo and Convention Center Las Vegas INSPIRATION.INNOVATION.INSIGHTS Presented by s Sp nso Sponsor by sored so o Pro uced by Niellsen Exposition roduced o ced ced els n Exp sition Expo t ons, po a pa t o the N elsen Company part of Ni e Compa pan an a