110 product showcase advertising PAUL BIENKOWSKI < Publisher 860.644.3861 pbienkowski@cox.net PHYLLIS VISCIDI < East/Midwest Marketing Manager 781.431.1320 phyllis@viscidi.com the modern american blacksmiths GERRY KREGER < Western Marketing Manager 323.999.0991 gerry.kreger@aol.com Ingot wall sconce HUBBARDTON FORGE ® LILIANA CONNOLLY < East/Midwest Marketing Manager 781.431.1320 lil@viscidi.com designers and manufacturers of fine hand-forged lighting commercial / residential • castleton, vermont usa • 800.826.4766 contract@vtforge.com • hubbardtonforge.com _August_mini.indd 1 6/27/13 12:12 PMhttp://www.hubbardtonforge.com http://www.hubbardtonforge.com http://www.kevinbarryfineart.com http://www.kevinbarryfineart.com