Incentive - May 2008 - (Page 40)

PRIMER Idea s Rock ! James Feldman reative ideas are what turn ordinary companies into market leaders. These companies see the end result first, and then innovate to achieve those results. Unfortunately, in most companies today, the environment fails to foster creative or innovative ideas, resulting in lost profits and opportunities every day. However, creativity and innovation are key elements that propel businesses to the top. Without either, your company comes in second, at best, and no one remembers number two. Answer these quick questions to learn if your company lacks creativity and innovation. • Are your profits stagnant or slowing? • Are your customers satisfied, but not loyal? • Do your employees lack enthusiasm? • Are you selling the same products and services that you were five years ago? Any answer of “yes” indicates that your business may not be around for the long term. To revitalize your organization, follow these guidelines: Fo s t e r a B u s i n e s s C l i m at e Th at ’s O p e n t o I n n ov a t i o n a n d C re at iv i t y Innovation is the ability to come up with ideas and solutions to pressing problems. It is the process of producing something that a) has value, and b) did not exist before. Creativity is the ability to take that new idea and make it valuable in your customers’ eyes. Realize that every problem has a solution, although the solution may not be in plain sight. To make the solution more apparent, remove “standard operating procedures” whenever possible and inspire creative thinking throughout the organization. Reward business associates for finding the “innovative solution” and for “thinking creatively.” Fo ster i ng Crea ti ve Idea s 1. 2. 3. 4. Reward innovation & creativity Dramatically satisfy customers Partner with your clients Partner with your employees C accountable for fulfilling their needs. As a result, you need to invest time in keeping the channels of communication open. When communicating, be sure to listen more than you talk. Ask questions that solicit more than a “yes” or “no” response. Understand their needs, and then provide a solution that works. Also, thank your clients for their business on a regular basis. A simple “Thank you. Are you happy with our products and service?” works wonders. C re at e a Pa rt n e rs h i p w i t h C l i e n t s All business transactions are based on someone delivering a promise to fulfill a specific desire or need. Companies that spend millions of dollars promoting their products or services only to make the client wait on hold or have to redial numerous times to lodge complaints erode the partnership. To create a true partnership with clients, become a problem solver. Clients like when the companies they work with function as thinkers. Become your clients’ best solution, and they’ll stay with you for the long term. C re at e a Pa rt n e rs h i p Wi t h E m p l oye e s Asking people to be creative and then shooting down their ideas creates rifts in your organization. Instead, show people that bringing their imagination on the journey is welcome. Listen to your employees as you would your clients. Their insights will likely make your company better at what it does. Remember that the more offbeat, the more diverse, the more eccentric, and the more unusual, the better we learn and the more we retain. So allow so-called “mavericks” and their ideas into your organization, as they will likely offer a new perspective to the same old routine. James Feldman, CITE, CPIM, CPT, MIP James Feldman is an entrepreneur and motivational speaker. He develops and delivers performance improvement programs through the James Feldman Associates Inc. marketing agency and Incentive Travelers Cheque International. Learn more about Jim Feldman at B e c o m e # 1 Wi t h Yo u r C l i e n t s The more satisfied your clients are, the more business you’ll have in the future. Realize that the only commodity your clients know is you. Since you are the catalyst providing the solution to their problem, you are 40 | Incentive | May 2008 | Illustration: Katharine Sandalls As you encourage your people to display innovation and creativity, be prepared for mistakes. When they know that mistakes are part of the process, they’ll be more open to take risks and think in new directions. Success only comes when you learn from failure.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Incentive - May 2008

Incentive - May 2008
Editor's Note: Turn to Incentives in Hard Times
In The News: At IMRA Conference, Trade Show Talk; In Utah, Team-Building Trauma
Cover Story: Can Incentives Save the Media Business?
Incentive Interview: Our New Columnist, Christi L. Gibson
Case Study: Architecture Firm WESKetch Builds a Recognition Plan
Incentives in a Recession: Advice on Adjusting Your Plan
Office Bullies: The Scourge of the Workplace Can Be Reined In
Original Research: Incentive Sales IQ Report
Recognition@Work: Stop Driving Your Top People Away
Incentive Primer: Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Organization
Travel News
Puerto Rico: Shining Star's Trendy Makeover
Mexico: Cancun and Cabo Still Have It
Potentials Here and Now
Luggage and Leather Goods
Gift Cards: F&B
Advertiser Index
Last Word: Stanley Bing Gives Wimpy Bosses a Nuggie

Incentive - May 2008