Want more? Check out:
What’s online NOW…
A New Direction
In Southern California, a kitchen and bath showroom aims for reinvention. www.kbbonline.com/newdirection
Designing for the Future: Define the Value You Bring
Stay competitive by knowing your own value. www.kbbonline.com/defineyourvalue
Green Cersaie
Eco-friendly options from the international tile show in Italy. www.kbbonline.com/greencersaie
This month’s news stories include:
Carlisle Wide Planks Opens a Showroom
The company’s latest is scheduled to launch this month at Luxe Home.
State of the Industry Report Released
A survey by Brooke Chase Associates looks back at 2011.
New Career Site Targets the Kitchen and Bath Industry
NKBA’s new site serves as an electronic recruitment resource.
Correction: In the March 2012 issue, the Arwa-Scala from Gemini
Kitchen & Bath, which was featured on page 25, is available in stainless steel only, not chrome. K+BB regrets the error.
the best in Kitchen, Bath and Showroom Design!
To honor the outstanding achievements of its readers, K+BB invites you to enter its ninth annual K+BB Design Awards contest. Celebrate your accomplishments and gain deserved recognition and respect from your peers by entering today.
Entry DEaDlinE:
Monday, June 11, 2012 Go to www.kbbonline.com for an entry form
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of KBB - April 2012