Multi-Housing News - March 2009 - (Page 3)

CONTENTS MARCH 2009 8 DEPARTMENTS 6 From the Editor 8 Executive Insight: Jonathan Rose 21 Finance: Small Loans 24 Products: Submetering 26 Kitchen & Bath: Water and Energy Conservation 14 FEATURES 12 18 Profile: How Owners are Riding Out the Storm Multifamily leaders at several of the most time-tested apartment companies share their strategies for thriving during tough times 14 Market Report: Southern California The Golden State is a “mixed bag” with some areas seeing strong rents and occupancies while others have been harder hit by the downturn 18 Development Case Study: A City in the Sky Forest City transformed an iconic 1942 office building into part of a mixed-use community, providing downtown Dallas with 213 apartments 23 Quote of the Month Property Management: Marketing Magic In a tough economy, make the most of your marketing dollars with low- and no-cost techniques to increase occupancy “Instead of selling over-the-top luxury, we need to be selling quality, endurance and value.” 23 On the cover: Forest City transformed Dallas’ landmark Mercantile Bank Building (The ‘Merc’) into part of a mixeduse community. (Development Case Study, page 18.) On this page: photo of the Marina skyline by Joanne DiBona, San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau Kitchen & Bath 26 Multi-Housing News (ISSN 0146-0919; USPS 891-580), March 2009, Vol. 44, No. 3 is published monthly by Nielsen Business Media, 770 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10003-9595. The cost of a one-year subscription is $93 in the U.S., $125 in Canada and Mexico, and $240 in all other foreign countries. CUSTOMER SERVICE INQUIRIES: For address changes, single copy sales ($10 per issue, payable in advance), and subscription inquiries, write to Multi-Housing News, P.O. Box 3601, Northbrook, IL 60065-3601. Call 800-697-8859, fax 847-291-4816 or email Printed in the USA. Copyright 2009 by Nielsen Business Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Multi-Housing News editorial and advertising offices: 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-9595, 646-654-4500. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to Multi-Housing News, P.O. Box 3601, Northbrook, IL 60065-3601. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031729. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DHL Global Mail, 4960-2 Walker Rd., Windsor, ON N9A 6J3. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. ADVERTISING/EDITORIAL REPRINTS: Reprints of editorial or ads can be used as effective marketing tools. For details, contact The YGS Group, Mike Shober, 800-290-5460 ext. 129, PERMISSIONS: One-time use of our content, as a full article, excerpt or chart? Contact Dana Parra, 646-654-4696, LIST RENTAL MANAGER: Nikki Miller, 646-654-7261, Official Publication of | Mar ch 2009 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Multi-Housing News - March 2009

Multi-Housing News - March 2009
From the Editor
Executive Insight: Jonathan Rose
Profile: How Owners are Riding Out the Storm
Market Report: Southern California
Development Case Study: A City in the Sky
Finance: Small Loans
Property Management: Marketing Magic
Products: Submetering
Kitchen & Bath: Water and Energy Conservation

Multi-Housing News - March 2009