Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - (Page 26)

perspective Energy Efficiency: A Better Plan By Doug Bibby, National Multi Housing Council Concern over global climate change and national energy security continues to grow. Policymakers are now looking to the built environment for a solution to ever-increasing greenhouse gas emissions. Their reasoning is that “buildings are responsible for 70 percent of electricity use” and, by extension, 40 percent of carbon emissions. While it is true that electricity is consumed in buildings for a variety of purposes, the direct carbon emissions from buildings are much lower— around 9 percent—and these are associated with the direct combustion of fossil fuels for heating or hot water. The lion’s share of the carbon emissions that the building sector has been tagged with are indirect emissions. (In contrast, virtually all of the emissions associated with the transportation sector are direct carbon emissions.) Unfortunately, specific building science data regarding technical aspects of improving performance to standards proposed at the federal, state and local levels are lacking, leaving developers and policymakers speculating about the cost-effectiveness and technical feasibility of various energy efficiency improvements in multifamily buildings. Impossible to recapture costs The National Multi Housing Council and National Apartment Association have commissioned a new report to fill that gap and to examine the costs, benefits and practical limitations of making large increases in energy efficiency in a typical apartment building. Strategies and Costs to Exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Requirements in a Multifamily Apartment Building is based on research conducted by Newport Partners LLC, a consulting firm with extensive expertise in building science and energy efficiency technologies. It illustrates what kinds of energy conservation measures are realistic for the multifamily sector. It was supported by the National Association of Realtors, the Institute of Real Estate Management and the CCIM Institute. The study found that exceeding ASHRAE energy efficiency measures, such as window 90.1-2004 by 30 or 50 percent will present practical improvements and added insulation, only increase and financial barriers for apartment owners and develbuilding performance by 1 percent, or less in many opers. In fact, it won’t be possible for most buildings of cases. This finding is significant because many prothe type studied to achieve a 50 percent increase over posed building code changes are directed at these ASHRAE 90.1 using today’s technology. particular building attributes. Even where energy efficiency increases of 30 perInstead, building owners and designers should cent or more are technically achievable, the costs place more emphasis on higher-efficiency HVAC would be nearly impossible to recapture, according systems. A building can achieve the 15-percent effito the report. This is significant because proponents ciency target through the use of conventional, highof strict energy efficiency standards often argue that efficiency HVAC equipment alone in two of the increased upfront construction and equipment costs three locations studied (Houston and Chicago). are paid back through operational savings. Significant efficiency gains can also be realized However, the study found that the payback perithrough improvements in water heating, advanced od for high-efficiency systems will often extend in-unit lighting and the use beyond the expected life of onsite renewable power of the equipment, or at generation. These items least the time when What kinds of energy are also outside the scope replacement components conservation measures of current energy standards, are needed. For example, and therefore the energy a 30 percent improveare realistic for the savings they produce are ment in Atlanta would multifamily sector? not counted in the math cost up to $8,000 per unit used to determine whether and have a payback peria property complies with a od of 16 to 25 years. “better-than-code” efficiency mandate. The study also discusses the limitations of energy The primary benefit of this study is to help multiconservation proposals that peg energy savings to family firms select the most appropriate energy effiexisting energy codes. Contrary to popular opinion, ciency investments for their communities. It will the scope of these codes is extremely narrow, coverhelp educate policymakers and code officials about ing only uses related to the building envelope such what energy improvements are technically feasible as insulation levels, window efficiency and heating, and cost-effective in apartment communities. ventilation and cooling (HVAC) equipment. Because the study clearly explains how the ecoThese codes do not regulate residential applinomics of the apartment sector make it difficult for ances, like refrigerators, washing machines and owners to recoup the costs of some energy improvehome lighting, which account for more than 65 perments, it underscores the need for greater financial cent of energy use in residential buildings. A codesincentives rather than top-down requirements for based approach to energy conservation puts energy-efficient building upgrades. MHN extreme pressure on owners and developers to upgrade only specific building characteristics, while Doug Bibby is the president of the National Multi leaving the vast majority of energy use unaffected. Housing Council in Washington, D.C. This highlights an important message for policymakers to understand: because the large majority of energy used in an apartment powers appliances in MHN ONLINE the unit, a 30 or 50 percent increase in code New York City’s largest multifamily requirements will not result in a 30 or 50 percent solar panel installation. Read the story at decrease in whole-building energy consumption. The study concludes that some often-promoted “ ” 26 April 2009 | Multi-Housing News | Official Publication of Multi-Housing World

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Multi-Housing News - April 2009

Multi-Housing News - April 2009
From the Editor
Executive Insight: Sue Ansel
Finance: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
Quote of the Month
Market Forecast: Texas
Profile: Affordable Developers
Operations: Green Laundry Rooms
Technology: BIM
Kitchen & Bath: Tile Installation
Perspective: Doug Bibby, NMHC

Multi-Housing News - April 2009

Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Multi-Housing News - April 2009 (Page Cover1)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Multi-Housing News - April 2009 (Page Cover2)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Contents (Page 3)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - From the Editor (Page 4)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - From the Editor (Page 5)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Executive Insight: Sue Ansel (Page 6)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Executive Insight: Sue Ansel (Page 7)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Executive Insight: Sue Ansel (Page 8)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Executive Insight: Sue Ansel (Page 9)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Finance: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (Page 10)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Finance: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (Page 11)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Quote of the Month (Page 12)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Market Forecast: Texas (Page 13)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Market Forecast: Texas (Page 14)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Market Forecast: Texas (Page 15)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Profile: Affordable Developers (Page 16)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Profile: Affordable Developers (Page 17)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Profile: Affordable Developers (Page 18)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Profile: Affordable Developers (Page 19)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Operations: Green Laundry Rooms (Page 20)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Operations: Green Laundry Rooms (Page 21)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Technology: BIM (Page 22)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Technology: BIM (Page 23)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Kitchen & Bath: Tile Installation (Page 24)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Kitchen & Bath: Tile Installation (Page 25)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Perspective: Doug Bibby, NMHC (Page 26)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Perspective: Doug Bibby, NMHC (Page Cover3)
Multi-Housing News - April 2009 - Perspective: Doug Bibby, NMHC (Page Cover4)