Meeting News - November 19, 2007 - (Page 66)

Live from the Forum @ TOPIC: Protocol for a congresswoman’s badge C I an someone share the general rule or protocol on how congressman/ woman name badges should look? I have my own idea on what should be on the badges but would love to hear from someone who frequently has to make name badges for senators and the like. Sekeno Aldred, Learning Events Specialist Goodwill Industries International, Inc., Rockville, MD state/district/territory he or she represents. Theresa Garza, Managing Director Amigo Meeting Solutions Inc., Tucson, AZ W T t’s listed in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, under Forms of Address. I’ve made copies of these pages and keep them in a very handy file to reference proper written and verbal addresses and salutations. [The name should read:] “The Honorable First Name Last Name,” or you can abbreviate, with “The Hon. First Name Last Name.” The second line should read: “U.S. House of Representatives” for outside his or her home state or “U.S. Senate” if he or she is a senator. For an event in his or her home state/district/territory, the second line should read: “Eighth Congressional District of Arizona” or whichever e do a lot of this. TEI is a big believer in formality in printed programs, press releases, etc., but we don’t like gunked-up badges. I have never had a complaint using the following: “Nancy P. Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC.” Deborah Gaffney, Director of Conference Planning Tax Executives Institute, Washington, DC o incorporate the expertise of Letitia Baldridge, Jackie Kennedy’s Chief of Staff, maybe your badge should read as follows: “The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives,Washington, DC.” Kathleen O’Donnell, Deputy Director International Ticketing Association, New York TOPIC: Items to have on hand just in case W hat do others take for an emergency situation? Everyone thought I was nuts when I had our office manager order flashlights and a first-aid kit, but if you think about it: If the electricity goes out, will the hotel have that many flashlights? I also make sure I have a list of all phone numbers and emergency contacts for all attendees. When booking a hotel, I try to keep [attendees to a limited number of] floors—that is, not scatter them all over the hotel. It’s easier to gather them together in the event of an emergency. What else is there to have or to do? Rosie Bernaducci, Senior Meeting Manager American Express Corporate Meeting Solutions at Johnson & Johnson North Brunswick, NJ e do the same and always have flashlights and first-aid kits. I can’t tell you how many times on-site staff have rolled their eyes when instructed to carry a list of emergency contacts no matter where the group is going. It’s part of “risk management.” I also carry on flights one of those sticks that lights up when bent or cracked. I carry my own mini-pillow that is also a windbreaker and folds up. It’s always [with me], along with a miniature flashlight. Having it in the overhead compartment isn’t going to help me in a true emergency. Theresa Garza, Managing Director Amigo Meeting Solutions Inc., Tucson, AZ have added the following things simply because of the times I have wished I had them and they do not take up much room in a trunk or meeting supply box: a small pen knife with a screwdriver to open boxes; several doorstops—if needed, it is often quicker to use your own until the hotel/convention center can bring one to you; a small roll of ribbon to mark off chairs in the back of a general session so that the front is filled first—you can remove the ribbon as needed for more seating; and extra laser pointers—I think some speakers are collecting them as trophies. Anonymous I carry a clicker (from Office Depot) for counting folks at meals and getting on transportation vehicles and some spirit chimes (from Sam Ash) for signaling the end of breaks, meals, etc. Donna Marie Primas, Creative Director Primas Copywrite: Promotion & Communication Services, Chicago W lad to hear someone else is using chimes. I used to have a financial services client, and folks were trained to listen for the “NBC tone.” I’ve tried that now with some of our technical conference attendees, and they look at me as if I’m some crazy broad with a mutant xylophone. Nancy Sutta Berns, Senior Conference Administrator IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ G A can of spray adhesive and a glue stick. I Kathleen O’Donnell, Deputy Director International Ticketing Association, New York MEETING NEWS (ISSN 0145-630X, USPS No.356-010, November 19 2007, Vol. 31, No. 16 is published semi-monthly except for January, February, April, June, July, August, which are monthly, by Nielsen Business Media, 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-9595, tel. 646-654-5000. Subscriptions are offered free of charge to individuals actively engaged in planning meetings or conventions in the U.S. and Canada. The cost of a subscription to non-qualified subscribers is $79 in the U.S. and $95 in Canada (Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031729). The cost of a foreign subscription, payable in U.S. dollars, is $195. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. MeetingNews is a trademark owned exclusively by Nielsen Business Media. Copyright © 2007 by Nielsen Business Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine, in whole or in part, is prohibited unless authorized by the publisher. For address changes (please include mailing label), single copy sales ($10 per issue including shipping and handling, prepayment required), subscription information, and other customer service inquiries, write to MEETING NEWS, P.O. Box 1189, Skokie, IL 600768189 or call 847-763-9050. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to MEETING NEWS, P.O. Box 1189, Skokie, IL 60076-8189. 66 MeetingNews November 19, 2007

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Meeting News - November 19, 2007