the icing on the cake...
the importance of architectural
millwork in casino design
by: Nancy Bohnett, International Woodwork Corporation
AS A DESIGNER, ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR OR OWNER: “making a difference” in the client’s experience, is the key to
success and development of client loyalty. The theme or
“look” of a casino is fueled through the challenge of creating an environment that captures the customer’s interest, exposes them to the unknown, goes beyond their
expectations and allows for a sense of comfort. Most
often, the interior theme or look is attributed to the architectural millwork.
The reflection of a gaming experience is developed
through the designer’s imagination and creativity.
Themes tend to tell a story or relate to a place in history without boring the visitor by the over use of a certain
motif or symbol. The architect / interior designer’s role
is to take the visitor on an excursion through the vast,
yet well directed casino interior. This comfort level is
achieved by providing highly detailed and creative millwork and interior furnishings.
Luxor Las Vegas
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEWH - May 2003