IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 38
Elevators are not just for circulation
according to Dutch artist Elke Veltman,
who transformed an elevator into
"a cozy [wallpapered] apartment-
complete with table, coffee maker, lights,
books, shoes, slippers, shelves, hangers,
a clock, mirror and the makings of a
series of meals (as well as a phone to
place an order for pizza delivery in the
evening)," surprising and accommodating passengers in transit between
floors. For BeatBox TV artist Max B,
a hallway becomes an amplification
system, as it does for the vocalist trio
on YouTube artist laurafool's "Gotta
love hallways with good acoustics."
Sacramento's Alley Activation Pilot
Project results from a public/private
collaboration to transform underutilized urban areas into lively, positive,
safe zones that increase quality of life
for residents. Along with cities such
as Seattle and Chicago, Sacramento
is seeking a more sustainable urban
core through design, from storm water
management to improved pedestrian
access and circulation, making what
were once blighted, 'throw away' spaces
into vibrant hubs of community life.
phOtO : lisa gizara
Every designer understands
the challenge of planning for and
adequately providing program support
space like vertical and horizontal
circulation. In renovation projects,
designers often bring function to
previously nonfunctioning spaces.
Manipulations of materiality and light
can convert an undersized closet into
a desk nook or an alcove to display art,
making a formerly low-use space
hierarchically important. In regions
where the price of real estate continues
to rise, miniscule spaces are being
recovered from prewar buildings,
whose janitorial slop sink rooms and
redundant stairways and hallways are
repurposed as revenue streams to hedge
against escalating operating costs.
A recent article in The New York Times,
"The Gold Mine in the Hall," highlights
how these spaces, some as little as 17
square feet, carry a high price tag.
However for some designing for
the 'spaces in-between' is about far
more than added real estate value.
These examples exemplify extremes
in the types of creative thinking
designers bring to in-between spaces.
However, they are also indicative of
the possibilities inherent in designers
pursing meaning in the generic places
we move through everyday. Timo
Tiainen, Director of Design Solutions
at Kone Corporation in Hyvinkää,
Finland, says, "Our company's core is
the design of elevators and escalators,
but our approach embraces the people
flow user experience for the entire
building journey. Our solutions
incorporate aesthetical, functional
and emotional points of view, as
well as the impact of duration. These
in-between spaces are universally
used, so we look at global design
commonalities, larger cultural trends,
technological advancements and,
of course, human ergonomics.
Tremendous thought and insight
goes into the creation of these typically
small transition spaces and the
experience of users and occupants."
For Kone, the elevator presents vital
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - Cover1
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - Cover2
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 1
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 2
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - Contents
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 4
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 5
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 6
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 7
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 8
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 9
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 10
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 11
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 12
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - 13
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IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - Cover3
IIDA Perspective - Fall/Winter 2013 - Cover4