Progressive Grocer - May 2010 - (Page 64)

Fresh Food Local and Lovin’ It Ball’s Food Stores and Dorothy Lane Markets are helping green-leaning consumers reap the bounty of local foods with community-supported agriculture alliances. receive a weekly cache of freshly harvested, locally raised foods that he economic and eco-conscious typically include fruits benefits of homegrown foods and vegetables, as well as locally made or continue to gain clout with conraised meats, dairy and sumers from coast to coast. And condiments. at no other time is the trend more Among the industry pioneers of the pronounced than during the peak summer “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” produce-selling season, where prominent movement is Kansas features of locally grown and raised fresh City, Mo.-based Ball’s/ Hen House Markets, fruits and vegetables lend a supplementary which in 2004 formed layer of splendor to the natural romance of a unique collaborathe produce department. tion with local growers that are part of the The partnership between Ball’s/Hen House Markets and Good Natured Family Indeed, while more consumers are active- well-publicized the Good Natured Family Farms alliance has grown to Farms (GNFF) alliance. ly seeking out a greater diversity of locally White House become an integral part of the Kansas City, Mo.-based As the umbrella brand sourced products with each passing year, a victory garden regional independent’s successful fresh food strategy. for a network of local new crop of promising concurrent initiatives, has heightened including the “Know Your Farmer, Know Your consumers’ interest in growing their own gro- farmers within a 200-mile radius of Kansas Food” program launched last fall by the U.S. ceries. Indeed, a recent survey by the Nation- City, the scope of the exclusive, innovative Department of Agriculture, bodes especially al Gardening Association shows a 20 percent partnership between GNFF and Ball’s Food well for supermarket produce teams that can uptick in new backyard hobby and urban-ed- Stores — which operates about 30 supermarkets under the Ball’s Price Chopper and count on continued clamoring for products ible gardens over the past year. that offer a personal connection with comAnd though a higher percentage of green- Hen House Market banners — has widened munity-based growers. leaning consumers are discovering the simple to include convenient supermarket pickup. Originally formed nearly a decade ago to Yet, even with minimal weather disrup- joy of planting and harvesting their own fresh tions, the vast majority of the nation’s retail food, several of the country’s leading regional bring focus and attention to the quality of food merchants have only a fleeting window grocery operators are making hay by incor- food produced by metro Kansas City farmers, of opportunity to tout local harvests, to say porating community-supported agriculture the partnership between Ball’s/Hen House nothing of the wide fluctuations in availabil- (CSA) programs into their customer-focused and GNFF has since grown to become an integral part of the regional independent’s sucity in light of the many competing outlets game plans. now angling for homegrown fare. To be sure, CSAs — a subscription-based cessful strategy. At presstime, Hen House was gearing up for Meanwhile, although backyard, tabletop service through which consumers invest in and windowsill gardens had already begun local farms by purchasing “shares” before the the start of its CSA season that gets underway cropping up in more American homes in re- growing season begins — have been steadi- on Saturday, May 15 in 12 locations. Consumcent years, additional fodder was added to ly feeding the growing “locavore” movement ers have a choice of an 18-week season or a the home-garden hopper this past year cour- throughout the past decade. In exchange for new eight-week “Pick 5” fruit and vegetable tesy of First Lady Michelle Obama, whose an initial “investment,” CSA shareholders option designed for smaller households. Hen By Meg Major T 64 • Progressive Grocer • May 2010 A H E A D O F W H AT ’ S N E X T

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Progressive Grocer - May 2010

Progressive Grocer - May 2010
Nielsen’s Shelf Stoppers/ Spotlight: Candy/Non-ChocolateCandy
Super 50: Steadfast Leaders
The Lempert Report: ConAgra, Celebs Battle Child Hunger
Best Practices: Starting at the Top
Wake-up Call: Coupons Make a Comeback
Store of the Month: Roots and Wings
Harold Lloyd on … Making a Difference: Why Work as a Clerk?
Experience at Large: Put Your Best Customers to Work
Confection: Sweetening the Pot
Tea: Brewing up Sales
Non-alcoholic Beverages: Summer Quenchers
Summer Grilling Special: What a Gas!
Produce: Local and Lovin’ it
IDDBA Show Preview: Recipe for Success
Trends: The Summertime Freeze
Meats & Cheeses: Brown-bagging Sales
Food Industry Insights: Leadership for the Future
Tech Toolbox: A Look at the Latest Solutions
Out of the Box: The Latest Tools of the Trade
Roundtable: The Executioners
Foodservice: Green Machines
What’s Next: Editors’ Picks for Innovative Products

Progressive Grocer - May 2010