Progressive Grocer - May 2010 - (Page 92)

Equipment The latest tools of the trade The Executioners Progressive Grocer, in tandem with ShelfSnap, assembled a panel of all-star industry experts to discuss the challenge of in-store marketing and merchandising execution. By Joseph Tarnowski E ighteenth-century philosopher George Berkeley, in his famous work, “A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge,” wrote, “The objects of sense exist only when they are perceived; the trees therefore are in the garden, or the chairs in the parlor, no longer than while there is somebody by to perceive them.” unachievable goal. Issues such as determining responsibility for the shelf and a lack of systems for measurement and feedback continue to exist as roadblocks to attaining this compliance. And the wealth of new products entering the market each year just compounds the problem. To address this challenge, Progressive Grocer and Libertyville, Ill.-based marketing execution services provider ShelfSnap assembled an all-star cast of industry experts for a research panel, which ShelfSnap sponsored. The panelists were Doug Adams, president, Prime Consulting, Bannockburn, Ill.; Bill Bishop, chairman, Paul Weitzel, managing partner, and Jim Hertel, managing partner of Willard Bishop, LLC, Barrington, Ill.; Paul Christman, EVP, retail consulting practice, Winston Weber and Associates, Memphis, Tenn.; Steve Frenda, managing director-strategy and member development, In-Store Marketing Institute, Skokie, Ill.; Brian Harris, founder and co-chairman of The Partnering Group, Cincinnati; Lee Nichols, president and CEO of Dechert-Hampe, San Juan Capistrano, Calif; Mike Spindler, CEO, ShelfSnap; and Glen Terbeek, managing partner, global food and consumer packaged goods industry practice (retired), Accenture, Chicago. Though Berkeley penned this line in 1710, we can apply it to the challenge of retail execution at the shelf. Indeed, a grocer may develop the best marketing and merchandising plans ever conceived in the industry, yet if the displays and signage supporting these plans remain in the back room and out of sight 92 • Progressive Grocer • May 2010 of shoppers, it’s all for naught. Yet, billions of dollars in potential profits are unrealized every year because of poor implementation inside the store. Merchandising execution has been an ongoing challenge for so long that many retailers believe near-total compliance is an A H E A D O F W H AT ’ S N E X T Progressive Grocer: How has in-store execution changed over the past two decades? Brian Harris: Things are no better today than 20 years ago. Some specific areas, such as new product implementation, have improved among some retailers, but there has

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Progressive Grocer - May 2010

Progressive Grocer - May 2010
Nielsen’s Shelf Stoppers/ Spotlight: Candy/Non-ChocolateCandy
Super 50: Steadfast Leaders
The Lempert Report: ConAgra, Celebs Battle Child Hunger
Best Practices: Starting at the Top
Wake-up Call: Coupons Make a Comeback
Store of the Month: Roots and Wings
Harold Lloyd on … Making a Difference: Why Work as a Clerk?
Experience at Large: Put Your Best Customers to Work
Confection: Sweetening the Pot
Tea: Brewing up Sales
Non-alcoholic Beverages: Summer Quenchers
Summer Grilling Special: What a Gas!
Produce: Local and Lovin’ it
IDDBA Show Preview: Recipe for Success
Trends: The Summertime Freeze
Meats & Cheeses: Brown-bagging Sales
Food Industry Insights: Leadership for the Future
Tech Toolbox: A Look at the Latest Solutions
Out of the Box: The Latest Tools of the Trade
Roundtable: The Executioners
Foodservice: Green Machines
What’s Next: Editors’ Picks for Innovative Products

Progressive Grocer - May 2010