NSBE - March/April 2008 - (Page 11)

What Is Your Smile Saying ? By Calvin Mackie, Ph.D. A lesson from the Top 40, 1970s style: “Smiling faces…sometimes they don’t tell the truth Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies….” And another one: “They smile in your face All the time they want to take your place….” As a child on family vacations singing along to my parents’ music, I really didn’t understand these lyrics from The Undisputed Truth and the O’Jays, but with maturity comes understanding. These songs were referencing nonverbal communication: what we are saying to others through our body language, with or without our mouths closed. In our last article, we discussed the necessity of improving our verbal communication skills, but nonverbal communication skills are just as important to our career and professional development. Nonverbal communication is our unspoken words. It includes our facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, gestures, body posture and motions, positioning within groups and the way we wear our clothes. The importance of nonverbal communication was made evident by the work of famed linguist and UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian. His studies indicate that messages are interpreted: windows to our souls. A person’s eyes can convey interest, concern, warmth and credibility, or hostility, disappointment and anger, to name a few emotions. Facial Expressions – When you smile, people often react favorably and perceive you as likable, friendly, warm and approachable. This is very important for the present generation, because in hip-hop culture, very few people are taught to smile. In the hip-hop community, you see more angry stares or frowns. Modeling this behavior can have a detrimental impact on your personal brand and career opportunities. Posture and Body Orientation – You communicate numerous messages by the way you walk, talk, stand and sit. Standing erect but not rigid, and leaning slightly forward communicates to people that you are approachable, receptive and friendly. Having your arms folded indicates you are not approachable or don’t want to be bothered. Paralanguage/Paralinguistics – Paralanguage refers to the nonverbal elements of communication used to modify meaning and convey emotion. It includes the pitch, volume, rhythm, loudness, tone and intonation of speech and may be expressed consciously or unconsciously. Studies have shown that people feel they learn less and lose interest more quickly when listening to speakers who have not learned to modulate their voices. Humor – Laughter releases stress and tension for both the receiver and sender in the communication model. You should develop the ability to laugh at yourself and encourage people to do the same. It fosters a friendly environment that facilitates listening and learning. Whether you are communicating nonverbally or verbally, adequate knowledge of your subject matter is critical to your success. Form is never a substitute for substance. Instead, form should enhance the effectiveness of your communication. But after mastering your area of study, it is critically important that you learn what, why and how to communicate. ■ NSBE Lifetime Member Calvin Mackie, Ph.D. — speaker, author, professor and inventor — is a former associate professor of mechanical engineering at Tulane University. He is president of the Channel ZerO Group, an organization committed to maximizing the effectiveness and potential of individuals and organizations. http://www.calvinmackie.com • march/april “…It is important that we become aware of nonverbal behavior and communication.” • 55 percent through visual appearance and facial expression (what you see) • 38 percent through vocal expression (what you hear, including tone of voice, inflection and other sounds) • 7 percent through verbal communications, or content (what you say) Considering these numbers, it is important that we become aware of nonverbal behavior and communication for two major reasons: • To become a better sender of signals that reinforce your true image or personal brand • To allow you to become a better receiver of other individuals’ nonverbal messages Let’s look at a few major nonverbal behaviors. Eye Signals/Eye Contact – People say our eyes are the www.nsbe.org 2008 • 11 http://www.calvinmackie.com http://www.nsbe.org

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NSBE - March/April 2008

NSBE - March/April 2008
The Flame of Change
What Is Your Smile Saying?
International News: Telecom Training In Nigeria
Get Involved, Get International!
NSBE International, History in Brief
Truth Power!
Is Government Work for You?
Partners for Positive Impact
Regional News: Region III Economic Overview
GM Flexes Its Green
NSBE Calendar
A Well-Deserved Break
Goodness Ikeri of Caterpillar
Tonya Erwin of Toyota
Albert Rodriques of Lehman Brothers
Igniting the Torch
Finding Career Fair Success
The AE Niche
Working in Harm’s Way
Reality Check
AE Members on the Move
Advertisers Index

NSBE - March/April 2008
